

第1个回答  2009-02-22
妈妈可以记住我所有的事情,她可以为我做每一件事情,她也可以为我放弃一切!:Mother may remember my all matters, she may handle each matter for me, she may also give up all for me!
我还能说些什么呢?什么礼物能报答得了她呢?也许最好的礼物就是听妈妈的话,健康快乐地成长,努力地学习,成为有用的人才。:What can I also say? What gift could repay her? Perhaps the best gift is listens to mother's words, the health to grow joyfully, studies diligently, becomes useful talented person 。
第2个回答  2009-02-22
Mother can remember all about me,she could do anything for me,even give up her own.
So what? What kind of gift can repay mum? Probably the best thing is listen to her, grow up with health and happiness, work hard to become a good man.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2009-02-22
My mother can remember all the things that she could for me to do everything she can for me to give up everything!
Say what can I do? What a gift to repay got her? Perhaps the best gift is to listen to mother, then grow up healthily and happily, hard to study and become a useful talent
第4个回答  2009-02-22
Mum/Mother can keep my everything in her mind, she will do details and abandon everything for me.

I don't know what can I say about. What present is suitable to return? Perhaps the best present for her is a obedient son who will grow up happily in a healthy surroundings and will work to be a outstanding man.




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