

第1个回答  2013-10-24
make for(tr)向……走去:  The escaped prisoner was making for the coast.  越狱犯正向海岸逃去。  make off(intr) 逃跑(指贼等):  The boys made off when they saw the policemen.  男孩子们一看见警察,就拔腿跑了。  make out(tr)  (a)弄清意义,清楚地理解、看见、听见等:  I can’t make out the dress,he has written it so badly.(make the ad-dress out/make it out)  我看不清地址,他写得太潦草了。  Can you hear what the man with the loud-hailer is saying?I can’t makeit out at all.  你听得出那个拿着电喇叭的人在说什么吗?我一点也听不清楚。  I can’t make out why he isn’t here yet.  我搞不明白他为什么还没有到这儿来。
(b)说(可能是瞎说,也可能是夸大其辞):  He made out that he was a student looking for a job.We later learnt thatthis wasn’t true at all.  他说他是个在找工作的大学生。后来我们获悉这根本不是事实。  The English climate isn’t so bad as some people like to make out.  英国的天气不像某些人喜欢说的那么糟。  (c)开支票:  Customer:Who shall I make it out to?  顾客:我支票抬头怎么写?

Shopkeeper:Make it out to Jones and Company.  店主:就写付给琼斯公司好了。  make up one’s mind 下定决心,做出决定,做出决断:  In the end he made up his mind to go by train.  最后他决定坐火车去。  make up a quarrel/make it up 终止争吵,言归于好:  Isn’t it time you and Ann made up your quarrel?(made it up)  不是到了你和安该言归于好的时候了吗?  make up a story/excuse/explanation 捏造,编出一个故事/借口/解释:  I don’t believe your story at all.I think you are just making it up.  我根本不信你说的事。我认为你不过是在编造。  make up(tr/intr) 化妆,化装:  Most women make up/make up their faces.(make their faces up/makethem up)  妇女大多数都化妆。  Actors have to be made up before they appear on stage.  演员们在出场前必需有人给他们化装.
Take this prescription to the chemist’s.They will make it up for youthere.(make up the prescription/make the prescription up)  把这药方拿到药房。他们会给你配药的。  Notice(in tailor’s window):Customers’own materials made up.  (裁缝店橱窗内的)告示:为顾客来料加工。  The audience was made up of very young children.  观众都是很小的孩子们。  make up for(tr) 为……补偿(常以it为宾语):  You’ll have to work very hard today to make up for the time you wastedyesterday/to make up for being late yesterday.  为了补偿昨天你们浪费的时间/为了补偿昨天你们迟到一事,今天你们得非常努力地干活。  We aren’t allowed to drink when we are in training but we intend tomake up for it after the race is over.  我们在训练期间不许喝酒,但是我们准备一旦比赛结束就将其补上。  (到那时要多喝些)
第2个回答  2013-10-24
make sb do sth 使某人做某事make sb to do sth 使某人去做某事这2个意思都是一样的。。比如:Jenny's Mom makes her do housework 珍妮的妈妈让她去做家务



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