

第1个回答  2006-06-09
Historical "reality" of the gain and loss assessment of the history of a new society --- America, the rise of the new social history background system. It is generally believed that the new social history is the history of the third wave of American history. Several major issues of principle in the traditional history to the United States to launch challenges. American scholars in the history of a great uproar. First, they "single, unified national destiny" This concept raises finished second. They seek to negate the "United national identity" exist. Moreover, the 1960s, historians thought that the rise of civilians also raised doubts that the study only to leaders of the United States to reflect the political development process? Overall said. America is the new social history to the long-standing rule of American history scholars "unity" launched challenges. This camp historians believe. Including ministers, political leaders, lawyers and members of the Protestant elite and can not represent all the American people and the entire American society. So. In essence the new social history embodied in a new "special" quest. The emphasis is on American social and cultural diversity characteristics. As Kaiselei Harris (Kessler-Harris). New social history "is the respect for different cultural groups. And the recognition of diversity "[1] (p.178). Social historians who strive to explore new multi-ethnic, multi-ethnic group between strong and active "interaction". To understand how different interest groups competing. From their study. Development of a new concept. In the same course of the formation of national goals. Racial, gender and ethnic nature of such factors is to play their role in promoting or hindering. Theoretically sources said that the new social history of Western academic ideas. France is the first school yearbook. It attaches to the historical structure, deeply hidden, long-term continuation of the "structure" and the relative neglect of specific historical events. They considered. War, treaties, royal kin marriage far less geographic, demographic changes, climate and trade D-type. These structural and regional food more important things. Under the influence of the school yearbook. American historian focusing on the material "real presence" and in-depth regional study. They also use ethnology technology. Expanding sources of information. Trying to find a way through micro - macro structural issues clues. Their research may help both their knowledge of c system. One is the use of social science conduct school experience. It opposes subjectivity. Pursue accuracy, social reality more neutral position. Pasen (TalcottPar remuneration son) on the social realities of a world system relations theory. For the historian to discover "the principles of orderly". His social balance and social organisms self-1 holding capacity perspective. That the use of "structure" to better understand the concept of community organizations. They found that the existing structure to attack the new events will cause a new social balance. Eventually lead to changes in national and social groups. In short, it was the emphasis on historians to study static promote social stability and structural factors. Another theory from the new Marxist historian. First, this camp historians emphasized historical material causes, and on the history of science to law school yearbook (sientificrules) can view prominent in the production of modern social relations played a key role. They considered. Different people within production relations formed conflicting interests. Class distinction and through demonstrated; As a result of this conflict has always been hostile. They breed dissident. In specific cases it is a threat to the existing government; Social realities and sustained interaction between the ideological driving force of history is the driving force for change. Second, the new U.S. contribution to the social history of the history of concern will be public thinking, belief systems and the public to prove this belief system and a wide range of materials in kind. Focusing on the essence of traditional culture and the impact triggered a series of problems common native Americans as to what values? The extent to which class, ethnic and racial differences affect the norms and behaviour? Japan's three living and working class culture exploration. Has clearly revealed. At least until the 19th and 20th century long. Different ways of thinking and objectives, how to create the nation's disintegration. 19 century early American community to "Republican," (Republicanism) mean different understanding is a good illustration of this problem. Artisans who believe that it is free labor ideology. Or expressed in society rising capacity finished businessmen understand is the silence from the government and made some free lessons middle class women which is considered as a creation of a correctional citizenship call turns working class white women but it interpreted as they are struggling in poverty, and heavy labor and the horrors of slavery distinguish a freedom. This in turn triggered a series of related issues, such as the tendency of the value system of ordinary people? The system is class, race, sex (gender), ethnic background differences, residence different product, or these factors in varying degrees in some combination? In the mid-1970s to the 20th century, behaviorism theory and Marxist theory and innovative element of mutual integration. Contributed to the working class cultural studies. And make it a social history of marriage. At the same time. Emergence of a new research direction, trying to explain the history of working class culture is affecting the changes. Historians take the position in this controversy. In fact depends on their cultural differences have causes. Some people think. Cultural lessons of the masses is the dominant ideology and form; Some people think that culture is from personal experience from working and living. After considerable debate and research results and assessments, the new social historians at least a consensus that the semi-independent and distinct characteristics of a culture of the various groups were given a certain degree of civil independent foundation. Since that working class has its own unique culture. Namely, a separation of cultures. It is how to be strengthened and renewed? Answer the same question today. Some explanation from the culture itself actually building controversy. For example. Eugene Jiniweise (EugenenGenovese) summed up the South American plantation slavery in the patriarchal culture --- warmth, culture. In his view, African American slaves. Including their ability to resist the slave system. Only as a part of the South plantation culture. To be the best explanation. Which is also part of the cultural identity of such slaves. Gateman (HerbertGutman) and some other historians think. Deep African roots and family. Coupled with the brutal oppression of slavery factors so that the slave formed its own unique behavioural patterns and values. In the working class culture studies, the impact of Marxist historian historian at least three contributions. First. Opened up new areas of historical research on the social and material reality, between individual and collective sense of the complicated relationship between the research finished second. They use various methods of authentication analysis reveals the awareness of ordinary people. Of course the main way is through language, sexuality and religious fixed symbol analysis; Third. On the relationship between social identity and social action of the Focus. Opened for "cultural" nature, how to spot and positioning of this culture and its impact on the long-term political debate. Second, the study of the history of the United States population. Social historians through May 3 life structure and social life of the structure cyclical changes. Demographic changes and population movements to discover (migration) nature. This requires the collection and interpretation of quantitative information. Determine the location of people had been living, family and community regulations and D forms, and it is a matter of when. Why relocation. Other historians of science such as P and Church institutionalized structure exploration. They posed the question as a social control agent. As a cultural heritage and traditional values one mechanism. These institutions can play a role. For example, Weir (RobertWell) study of the history of the United States population, family planning is designed to indicate the change and personal life cycle D can be interpreted as historical changes in the society D ceremony. These historians believe that the family history, ethnic origin, age of family members for understanding social change macro issues people play their own role to provide important clues. 3. Social mobility study. It is the 20th century history of the 1960s American academics most popular one study, the purpose is to investigate the "American dream" vitality. This area of concern is : First, the United States "upward social mobility" (upxardmobility) is to a large extent by deification; Secondly, it is reasonable to reflect the migrants and their descendants to the social and economic progress. In more macro issues of particular concern to ordinary people and researchers also industrialization and the interaction between technical change. These studies show that technology is a greater part of the social structure, the structure of technology in the development, and in turn support the structure. In a broader level, social historians concerned that the social impact of emerging technologies at the community building and community development is the process of how ordinary people involved in these changes; "No off" of the "modern" of the "industrialization" of these terms not only with abstract process and more people involved with the new environment of mutual friction between the concrete (abrasivein remuneration teraction). These problems require social historians to explain : When new production technology and traditional values and norms collisions, traditional culture will have any change? It was felt that : the working class is to resist such changes; It was stressed that certain special groups are considered to be a technology and industrial liberation forces, which caused changes in general would be useful. Some people believe that the end of World War II, the development of technology, such as film, television, radio tends to the United nations more unity rather than division. 4. The process of urbanization and its consequences study. In this regard, scholars concerns include : urbanization will inevitably bring about the collapse of social order, as well as the increase in poverty and crime? Its impact on different classes and ethnic groups are the same? How the environmental effects of urban lifestyles? Jackson (KenethJack remuneration son) study showed that the "American dream" and the presence of strong interactions between suburbanization. He studied the history of the United States and suburbanization that the typical American lifestyle is the result of two factors, namely, government policies and the tendency of Americans to enjoy independent living. Urbanization study drawn certain conclusions : urban poverty and family disintegration is not the result of the collapse of urban overcrowding and communities; Violence and there is no automatic link between urban development. In addition, the study of urban history also directly with the United States "upward social mobility" link, and to provide adequate first-hand information. 5, the ethnic studies. Then the United States, ethnic groups, gender, age group have become the standard of social division. The study of ethnic cohesion 1:10 flourish. Its research focuses on the traditional "no words silently" lower social groups, including ethnic identity became the focus of the new social history research. Ethnic identity within a group shared values and system agencies combined. The purpose of the study is that ethnic groups with the possibility of greater power structures coexist. For the typical American immigration countries, such research is to the American society groups --- Native Americans (Indians), Caucasian (white European), African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian culture one way forward is undoubtedly positive. Moreover, if further detailed, the new social history nor ignore certain "micro" areas of social behaviour, such as mental illness history, criminal history, medical social history, religious history, entertainment history. These concerns life history, and contemporary American society is to link the discovery and measurement of American society as a sound method. New social contribution is also shown in the history of the development of historical concepts. The new social historians in the historical study of the historical development of a new source. To challenge the traditional historical research. They believe that they accurately reveal "American thinking." Rely on political leaders and the intellectual elite language material is simply not enough; Nation "and" the general requirements of a more diversified background and the need for collective mentality found new ways, the historical scope has undergone tremendous changes. For example, a worker's speech or correspondence, the parties or witnesses to the oral history, trade unions assembly records; Migrants press; Labour class oral history were regarded as valuable first-hand materials. The lower relative lack of socio-cultural information to the letter. Historians will analyse the attention of ordinary people "act", and use them as a research information, such as demonstrations, riots, protest demonstrations, ceremonies, celebrations, and other voting groups. In addition, attention to the direction of the movement of ordinary people, food structure, consumption and savings habits, family planning D. Through these symbolic external features analysis. And the rational and irrational behaviour analysis to explain the values and preferences of different groups to find motivation and behaviour. Most of the new social history of innovative local, research methodology breakthrough. Researchers who use the measurement methods and quantify materials, such as the Humane Society of the report, detailed local records, census results, timetables, city guides, tax records to track the life history of ordinary people. Marxist historiography of the tendency of research Fukesai Jinuoweisai most typical. Her in the "family of plantations, old black and white women in the South," a book critical of the United States "interests consistent history," and focus on the study of "nature" above. In her view. "sex" is not only a social context. Determine the social status of women in the South is also an important factor. As a key. She studies "of the relationship between" "sexual roles" and "sexual identity." Them. "sexual relations" is the most important factor. Because it "build a society based on any. And is the core of any one individual self-awareness. Note any individual because of sexual relations with other members of society the most fundamental relationship between "[2] (29-41). This book is also manifest in the new social history research methodological characteristics. First. Is the point of historical research. She put the South as an alternative society. The study of women as their target. And the micro - "family" as the fundamental unit of society. From the community to "the bottom" to describe the old South American society overall picture scroll. Secondly, the use of materials and methods described. For the reconstruction of the lives of women in the South before the civil war. She from multiple angles. Using different types of information rich, in-depth excavation of family life. And on this basis the South revealed the social fabric of society. In the study, she mainly on the South female white slave-owner family diary, population records, census reports. Death records, economic and business records, diaries, family instruments and communications. And so on. Third, the new social history has been wrong many historians believe that it does not contribute to understanding of cultural, political life, social change structure. In addition, the new long-term changes in social history major concern. The result is a social history static. Hindered understanding of the dynamics of macro-history and interpretation. In addition, because of political history can not completely rule out the possibility that the claim "excluded" political social history will be a real social history. Some historians doubt the existence of a really "totally exclude political history." Times grams (CarlL.Becker) pointed out sharply that "the preparation of the political history of social exclusion is a mistake : : I absolutely can not understand why the non-political social areas. "Whether American society ethnic social groups, sex, occupation, class --- how many, Whatever their thinking and behavior to differ, regardless of their political thinking how detached upper, which will inevitably reflect their era's political influence. In the study of social groups and ideological competition between continuing the process can not be divorced from national political issues effectively reveal the nature. Therefore, the new social history study of the history of political thought at the outset to have a direct impact. New social history theory and methods, so that social historians interested in American history has some major political events and key figures, and thus the well-known history of the United States political institutions and systems. As a result, politicians (statesmen), the word was discarded and replaced by "politicians" (politicians), citizens (citizens) by the word voters (voters) replaced. Political history in the eyes of the new social history, but for politicians to manipulate voters in the power and status of the Unit Head on the game records, thereby significantly reducing the value of political history. New social history research methods for quantitative analysis of the complete exclusion of qualitative analysis, qualitative analysis of the available original thematic and historical limitations in the framework of quantitative analysis, historical research resulting in the narrow and depreciation. Whereas traditional methods described history is lost history readability living memory. In addition, under the symbols too heavy, and thus the analysis of behaviour and relations motivated by some historians methods criticism. It revealed that only a "static" D-type. Attention is the "interruption." And historical research should be the core of the historical change and continuity. On the type of data, have also been biased. Many traditionally considered important and crucial data, such as the Constitution, laws, judicial decisions and debate, comments, papers and other historical materials of the value of the importance of social historians, and civil and private transcripts value is far better than the official and official information. Is the most obvious negative impact. American historical research emerged collapsed state. Blacks, workers, women, members of the public, farmers, migrants, independent of these special youth groups. Gradually established its own area. Published its academic publications. Held their meetings in the histories of the debate. History of research in terms of social institutions, or from the research theory, can form a center. As a result, in the meantime, no one dominant school of thought
第2个回答  2006-06-16
Historical "reality" of the gain and loss assessment of the history of a new society --- America, the rise of the new social history background system. It is generally believed that the new social history is the history of the third wave of American history. Several major issues of principle in the traditional history to the United States to launch challenges. American scholars in the history of a great uproar. First, they "single, unified national destiny" This concept raises finished second. They seek to negate the "United national identity" exist. Moreover, the 1960s, historians thought that the rise of civilians also raised doubts that the study only to leaders of the United States to reflect the political development process? Overall said. America is the new social history to the long-standing rule of American history scholars "unity" launched challenges. This camp historians believe. Including ministers, political leaders, lawyers and members of the Protestant elite and can not represent all the American people and the entire American society. So. In essence the new social history embodied in a new "special" quest. The emphasis is on American social and cultural diversity characteristics. As Kaiselei Harris (Kessler-Harris). New social history "is the respect for different cultural groups. And the recognition of diversity "[1] (p.178). Social historians who strive to explore new multi-ethnic, multi-ethnic group between strong and active "interaction". To understand how different interest groups competing. From their study. Development of a new concept. In the same course of the formation of national goals. Racial, gender and ethnic nature of such factors is to play their role in promoting or hindering. Theoretically sources said that the new social history of Western academic ideas. France is the first school yearbook. It attaches to the historical structure, deeply hidden, long-term continuation of the "structure" and the relative neglect of specific historical events. They considered. War, treaties, royal kin marriage far less geographic, demographic changes, climate and trade D-type. These structural and regional food more important things. Under the influence of the school yearbook. American historian focusing on the material "real presence" and in-depth regional study. They also use ethnology technology. Expanding sources of information. Trying to find a way through micro - macro structural issues clues. Their research may help both their knowledge of c system. One is the use of social science conduct school experience. It opposes subjectivity. Pursue accuracy, social reality more neutral position. Pasen (TalcottPar remuneration son) on the social realities of a world system relations theory. For the historian to discover "the principles of orderly". His social balance and social organisms self-1 holding capacity perspective. That the use of "structure" to better understand the concept of community organizations. They found that the existing structure to attack the new events will cause a new social balance. Eventually lead to changes in national and social groups. In short, it was the emphasis on historians to study static promote social stability and structural factors. Another theory from the new Marxist historian. First, this camp historians emphasized historical material causes, and on the history of science to law school yearbook (sientificrules) can view prominent in the production of modern social relations played a key role. They considered. Different people within production relations formed conflicting interests. Class distinction and through demonstrated; As a result of this conflict has always been hostile. They breed dissident. In specific cases it is a threat to the existing government; Social realities and sustained interaction between the ideological driving force of history is the driving force for change. Second, the new U.S. contribution to the social history of the history of concern will be public thinking, belief systems and the public to prove this belief system and a wide range of materials in kind. Focusing on the essence of traditional culture and the impact triggered a series of problems common native Americans as to what values? The extent to which class, ethnic and racial differences affect the norms and behaviour? Japan's three living and working class culture exploration. Has clearly revealed. At least until the 19th and 20th century long. Different ways of thinking and objectives, how to create the nation's disintegration. 19 century early American community to "Republican," (Republicanism) mean different understanding is a good illustration of this problem. Artisans who believe that it is free labor ideology. Or expressed in society rising capacity finished businessmen understand is the silence from the government and made some free lessons middle class women which is considered as a creation of a correctional citizenship call turns working class white women but it interpreted as they are struggling in poverty, and heavy labor and the horrors of slavery distinguish a freedom. This in turn triggered a series of related issues, such as the tendency of the value system of ordinary people? The system is class, race, sex (gender), ethnic background differences, residence different product, or these factors in varying degrees in some combination? In the mid-1970s to the 20th century, behaviorism theory and Marxist theory and innovative element of mutual integration. Contributed to the working class cultural studies. And make it a social history of marriage. At the same time. Emergence of a new research direction, trying to explain the history of working class culture is affecting the changes. Historians take the position in this controversy. In fact depends on their cultural differences have causes. Some people think. Cultural lessons of the masses is the dominant ideology and form; Some people think that culture is from personal experience from working and living. After considerable debate and research results and assessments, the new social historians at least a consensus that the semi-independent and distinct characteristics of a culture of the various groups were given a certain degree of civil independent foundation. Since that working class has its own unique culture. Namely, a separation of cultures. It is how to be strengthened and renewed? Answer the same question today. Some explanation from the culture itself actually building controversy. For example. Eugene Jiniweise (EugenenGenovese) summed up the South American plantation slavery in the patriarchal culture --- warmth, culture. In his view, African American slaves. Including their ability to resist the slave system. Only as a part of the South plantation culture. To be the best explanation. Which is also part of the cultural identity of such slaves. Gateman (HerbertGutman) and some other historians think. Deep African roots and family. Coupled with the brutal oppression of slavery factors so that the slave formed its own unique behavioural patterns and values. In the working class culture studies, the impact of Marxist historian historian at least three contributions. First. Opened up new areas of historical research on the social and material reality, between individual and collective sense of the complicated relationship between the research finished second. They use various methods of authentication analysis reveals the awareness of ordinary people. Of course the main way is through language, sexuality and religious fixed symbol analysis; Third. On the relationship between social identity and social action of the Focus. Opened for "cultural" nature, how to spot and positioning of this culture and its impact on the long-term political debate. Second, the study of the history of the United States population. Social historians through May 3 life structure and social life of the structure cyclical changes. Demographic changes and population movements to discover (migration) nature. This requires the collection and interpretation of quantitative information. Determine the location of people had been living, family and community regulations and D forms, and it is a matter of when. Why relocation. Other historians of science such as P and Church institutionalized structure exploration. They posed the question as a social control agent. As a cultural heritage and traditional values one mechanism. These institutions can play a role. For example, Weir (RobertWell) study of the history of the United States population, family planning is designed to indicate the change and personal life cycle D can be interpreted as historical changes in the society D ceremony. These historians believe that the family history, ethnic origin, age of family members for understanding social change macro issues people play their own role to provide important clues. 3. Social mobility study. It is the 20th century history of the 1960s American academics most popular one study, the purpose is to investigate the "American dream" vitality. This area of concern is : First, the United States "upward social mobility" (upxardmobility) is to a large extent by deification; Secondly, it is reasonable to reflect the migrants and their descendants to the social and economic progress. In more macro issues of particular concern to ordinary people and researchers also industrialization and the interaction between technical change. These studies show that technology is a greater part of the social structure, the structure of technology in the development, and in turn support the structure. In a broader level, social historians concerned that the social impact of emerging technologies at the community building and community development is the process of how ordinary people involved in these changes; "No off" of the "modern" of the "industrialization" of these terms not only with abstract process and more people involved with the new environment of mutual friction between the concrete (abrasivein remuneration teraction). These problems require social historians to explain : When new production technology and traditional values and norms collisions, traditional culture will have any change? It was felt that : the working class is to resist such changes; It was stressed that certain special groups are considered to be a technology and industrial liberation forces, which caused changes in general would be useful. Some people believe that the end of World War II, the development of technology, such as film, television, radio tends to the United nations more unity rather than division. 4. The process of urbanization and its consequences study. In this regard, scholars concerns include : urbanization will inevitably bring about the collapse of social order, as well as the increase in poverty and crime? Its impact on different classes and ethnic groups are the same? How the environmental effects of urban lifestyles? Jackson (KenethJack remuneration son) study showed that the "American dream" and the presence of strong interactions between suburbanization. He studied the history of the United States and suburbanization that the typical American lifestyle is the result of two factors, namely, government policies and the tendency of Americans to enjoy independent living. Urbanization study drawn certain conclusions : urban poverty and family disintegration is not the result of the collapse of urban overcrowding and communities; Violence and there is no automatic link between urban development. In addition, the study of urban history also directly with the United States "upward social mobility" link, and to provide adequate first-hand information. 5, the ethnic studies. Then the United States, ethnic groups, gender, age group have become the standard of social division. The study of ethnic cohesion 1:10 flourish. Its research focuses on the traditional "no words silently" lower social groups, including ethnic identity became the focus of the new social history research. Ethnic identity within a group shared values and system agencies combined. The purpose of the study is that ethnic groups with the possibility of greater power structures coexist. For the typical American immigration countries, such research is to the American society groups --- Native Americans (Indians), Caucasian (white European), African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian culture one way forward is undoubtedly positive. Moreover, if further detailed, the new social history nor ignore certain "micro" areas of social behaviour, such as mental illness history, criminal history, medical social history, religious history, entertainment history. These concerns life history, and contemporary American society is to link the discovery and measurement of American society as a sound method. New social contribution is also shown in the history of the development of historical concepts. The new social historians in the historical study of the historical development of a new source. To challenge the traditional historical research. They believe that they accurately reveal "American thinking." Rely on political leaders and the intellectual elite language material is simply not enough; Nation "and" the general requirements of a more diversified background and the need for collective mentality found new ways, the historical scope has undergone tremendous changes. For example, a worker's speech or correspondence, the parties or witnesses to the oral history, trade unions assembly records; Migrants press; Labour class oral history were regarded as valuable first-hand materials. The lower relative lack of socio-cultural information to the letter. Historians will analyse the attention of ordinary people "act", and use them as a research information, such as demonstrations, riots, protest demonstrations, ceremonies, celebrations, and other voting groups. In addition, attention to the direction of the movement of ordinary people, food structure, consumption and savings habits, family planning D. Through these symbolic external features analysis. And the rational and irrational behaviour analysis to explain the values and preferences of different groups to find motivation and behaviour. Most of the new social history of innovative local, research methodology breakthrough. Researchers who use the measurement methods and quantify materials, such as the Humane Society of the report, detailed local records, census results, timetables, city guides, tax records to track the life history of ordinary people. Marxist historiography of the tendency of research Fukesai Jinuoweisai most typical. Her in the "family of plantations, old black and white women in the South," a book critical of the United States "interests consistent history," and focus on the study of "nature" above. In her view. "sex" is not only a social context. Determine the social status of women in the South is also an important factor. As a key. She studies "of the relationship between" "sexual roles" and "sexual identity." Them. "sexual relations" is the most important factor. Because it "build a society based on any. And is the core of any one individual self-awareness. Note any individual because of sexual relations with other members of society the most fundamental relationship between "[2] (29-41). This book is also manifest in the new social history research methodological characteristics. First. Is the point of historical research. She put the South as an alternative society. The study of women as their target. And the micro - "family" as the fundamental unit of society. From the community to "the bottom" to describe the old South American society overall picture scroll. Secondly, the use of materials and methods described. For the reconstruction of the lives of women in the South before the civil war. She from multiple angles. Using different types of information rich, in-depth excavation of family life. And on this basis the South revealed the social fabric of society. In the study, she mainly on the South female white slave-owner family diary, population records, census reports. Death records, economic and business records, diaries, family instruments and communications. And so on. Third, the new social history has been wrong many historians believe that it does not contribute to understanding of cultural, political life, social change structure. In addition, the new long-term changes in social history major concern. The result is a social history static. Hindered understanding of the dynamics of macro-history and interpretation. In addition, because of political history can not completely rule out the possibility that the claim "excluded" political social history will be a real social history. Some historians doubt the existence of a really "totally exclude political history." Times grams (CarlL.Becker) pointed out sharply that "the preparation of the political history of social exclusion is a mistake : : I absolutely can not understand why the non-political social areas. "Whether American society ethnic social groups, sex, occupation, class --- how many, Whatever their thinking and behavior to differ, regardless of their political thinking how detached upper, which will inevitably reflect their era's political influence. In the study of social groups and ideological competition between continuing the process can not be divorced from national political issues effectively reveal the nature. Therefore, the new social history study of the history of political thought at the outset to have a direct impact. New social history theory and methods, so that social historians interested in American history has some major political events and key figures, and thus the well-known history of the United States political institutions and systems. As a result, politicians (statesmen), the word was discarded and replaced by "politicians" (politicians), citizens (citizens) by the word voters (voters) replaced. Political history in the eyes of the new social history, but for politicians to manipulate voters in the power and status of the Unit Head on the game records, thereby significantly reducing the value of political history. New social history research methods for quantitative analysis of the complete exclusion of qualitative analysis, qualitative analysis of the available original thematic and historical limitations in the framework of quantitative analysis, historical research resulting in the narrow and depreciation. Whereas traditional methods described history is lost history readability living memory. In addition, under the symbols too heavy, and thus the analysis of behaviour and relations motivated by some historians methods criticism. It revealed that only a "static" D-type. Attention is the "interruption." And historical research should be the core of the historical change and continuity. On the type of data, have also been biased. Many traditionally considered important and crucial data, such as the Constitution, laws, judicial decisions and debate, comments, papers and other historical materials of the value of the importance of social historians, and civil and private transcripts value is far better than the official and official information. Is the most obvious negative impact. American historical research emerged collapsed state. Blacks, workers, women, members of the public, farmers, migrants, independent of these special youth groups. Gradually established its own area. Published its academic publications. Held their meetings in the histories of the debate. History of research in terms of social institutions, or from the research theory, can form a center. As a result, in the meantime, no one dominant school of thought



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