
人生的哲学是什么?怎么做到呢? 快乐不?为什么感觉人生短暂呢?无准确答案,问题还在增加。敞开心怀说,你对人生的态度。谢谢
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第1个回答  2009-01-26
What is Health; What is dead. Why and Health; why

What is Health; What is dead. Why and Health; why died. Said the old saying "Health say HE dead say why," Most people are just born crying `none of those who died while laughing (I am talking about the majority, not the exception) and we looked at people who grew up just babies born while we cry `` We are alive in the laughter of those who died artificial tears `do not know of those who died in the laughter of the` This is a law of `Why do babies cry` Although there is scientific evidence has proved that it was not crying ` `can do` dead? They laugh `is no scientific proof that it was not`Laugh. `Many people are dead afraid of death `` In fact, it just did not understand the true intentions of the people died horrible` never `` Health is a terrible person's life the number of how many setbacks experienced `` `the number of how many joys and sorrows` may experience a concubine can make up more than `knowledge` setbacks can make a strong and more and more `` joys and sorrows can be more sentimental concubine `love` to make hard clear `But how many people fell to the joys and sorrows of those who experienced setbacks concubine in it `. Because many people experienced a setback and a lot of people choose to commit suicide because the joys and sorrows `concubine and` kill, set fire to die there are many `Shouson do` suicide `revenge` manslaughterDied of the disease and so on with a smile when the `death of those who died to heaven` because they understand the true death of the `` `Death is not the end but the beginning of the new born` it `? What is Health? `New beginning? Waiting for the end of `death? Not `absolute` Health is definitely not what `? A new life came to the world `will lead to lift the spirits of a group of people (mostly not the exception`) `but only he himself knows the pain of Health` `why he was crying`

`The whole world is your smile follow you laugh and you cry` `around the world on a person you do not know whether there crying people understand the phrase ``` Very often, the pain of others their own feelings when you see the `real about a person's pain when the `you have no way to comfort the suffering` `from the heart, only if they are to meet their own` Health `a lot of people would like to be immortalized as the First Qin Emperor` `He is a typical example of` but he was right `? Can be sure there is no `` `Otherwise, we would not be the existence of leap-bing Some people said that he was born love and dying for love` `` Really?
Perhaps you feel that it is `But you really can do it`? I can certainly have to say `I can not`. Life is his `I will not sacrifice for others` "love" `do not know if you know anything about the word` `What is love? `Walking on the roadside to see a flower to appreciate` `it is called `` Love` Evergo good things and now have a lot of people love as a private goods `` Love is not selfish love is truly selfless ` love a person can love that does not love that can be called `true love` Some people may have heard the phrase `I think it is very interesting` Why do not love love to be called `love it.
`True love than the love of the sea is also widely` `` can love all of monogamy `China is now restricting the true love
第2个回答  2009-01-07
第3个回答  2009-01-07

life,philosophy of

关于人生观的哲学理论。主要探讨人生的价值、目的 、意义、道路以及对人生应抱的态度等。它是哲学的一个组成部分,许多哲学体系都包含人生哲学,如存在主义等。现代西方哲学派别则以人生哲学为主要内容。
第4个回答  2009-01-07
这个问题谁能做回答呢 人各有志,想做这个想做那个,但是如果一开始能够选择的话,或许大家还是愿意钻进卵子孕育成人的,也许我们的最最底线就是活着,而不是用金钱与名声来衡量的吧
第5个回答  2009-01-08



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