
梁朝伟和萧亚轩的部分,梁朝伟和刘德华在天台的部分~ 多谢~
伟仔:声音漂亮吗?那些录音是我在韩坤的办公室里找到的,你不走运。 华仔:用不着唬我。想怎么样? 伟仔:我想恢复身份,下午三点钟,在**码头,开着电话。华仔:动作够俐索的。 伟仔:我也读过警校。 华仔:你们这些卧底可真有意思,老在天台见面。 伟仔:我不像你,我光明正大。我要的东西呢? 华仔:我要的你还未必带来呢! 伟仔:什么意思?你上来是晒太阳的? 华仔:给我一个机会。 伟仔:怎么给你机会?华仔:我以前是没得选择,现在我想做个好人。 伟仔:好,那就让我跟法官说,看他让不让你做个好人。 华仔:那就让我死。 伟仔:对不起,我是警察。 华仔:谁知道? 另一警员冲上来:放下枪,放了刘警官! 伟仔:你上司是韩坤的卧底,证据在我手上。 警员:放下枪! 伟仔:我报了警了! 警员:我干嘛要相信你啊? 伟仔:你不用相信我。 警察开始进入大厦。 警员:你小心点。 华仔(or伟仔?):你小心点。 警员:不用怕,大家是同门师兄北,大现坤哥死了,以后你罩着我。我94年加入警校,可惜,这么多年都上不去,他看都不看我一眼。韩坤不在了,以后我就跟着你了。放心吧,现在没事了。警察快来了,要做就做全套。 警员:其实我很能干,可惜坤哥不识货。

第1个回答  2009-03-10
- Are the voices crisp enough?
The precious recording was taken from Sam's office.
It's not your lucky day.

- Don't threaten me. What do you want?

- I want my identity back.

- 3 pm, Central Ferry pier. keep your cell on.


- You sre know waht you're doing.

- I also went to the cadet school.

- Do all undercover cops like rooftops?

- Unlike you, I'm not afraid of light.
So where's the stuff I want?

- I don't think you've brought what I want either.

- So what does that mean?
We came up here to sunbathe?

- Give me a chance.

- How?

- I have no choice before
but now I want to turn over a new leaf.

- Good.
Try telling that to the judge.
See what he has to say.

- You want me dead?

- Sorry, I'm a cop.

- Who knows that?


- Don't move. Police.
Drop your weapon and let inspector lau go first.

- Your boss is Sam's mole.
I got evidence.
Let's clear this up at the station.

- Drop your weapon now.

- I've called the police.

- Why should I trust you?

- You don't have to.


- You'd better watch out.

- Look who's talking.


- No seat. We are brothers.
Sam is dead now.
You have to look after me.
I joined the cadet school in 1994.
But my career never really takes off.
Sam looked down on me.
I've taken care of Sam's tape.
Don't worry. I'll follow you from now on.
Our folks will be here any minute.
Let's give them a good show.
I'm actually quite smart.
Too bad Sam never knew that.本回答被提问者采纳



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