帮忙把这两句话翻译成英文,thanks a lot

"这么多天没有收到您的邮件 不知道您发生了什么事?很冒昧的问一句,是不是我哪里说错话了?如果是 请原谅.' 谢谢大家了

第1个回答  2008-03-13
"With so many days have not received your e-mail you do not know what happened? Asked a very presumptuous, I am not where Shuicuhua? If it is please forgive. 'Thank you all for the
第2个回答  2008-03-13
" So do many days not receive your mail and does not know that what matter did you take place?Ask a very presumptuously, is I where drop a clanger?If is to beg your pardon.'
第3个回答  2008-03-13
"这么多天没有收到您的邮件 不知道您发生了什么事?

I haven't heard from your for quite a few days.
I can't imagine what's happened to you.
Could you tell me if anything wrong with what I have said to you ?

如果是 请原谅.'
Forgive me ,please.
第4个回答  2008-03-13
I have not recived you E-mail for a few days ,I wonder whether there is something wrong with you.
If you don't mind ,can you tell me "did I say some words that hurt you ?"
第5个回答  2008-03-13
I haven't received your mail for days, i am wondering what's the matter with you , i would like to take the liberty to ask ,did i say anything wrong?
if so, please forgive me, thank you all.本回答被提问者采纳




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