
翻译: 我经常在家写作业 (划线提问)经常
翻译:我妈妈总在星期天看电视 (划线提问)总在

翻译:Tom有时在放学后踢足球 (划线提问)有时
翻译:Mary从来不在上课时听音乐 (划线提问)从来
翻译:我每周一次看电影 (划线提问)每周一次
翻译:我和我父母每年一次去大连度假 (划线提问)每年一次
翻译:我们一天一次打扫教室 (划线提问)一天一次
翻译:去年我一周两次去看我的祖父母 (划线提问)一周两次

第1个回答  2012-10-21
1 翻译 I often do homework at home.
提问 How ofen do you do your homework at home?
2 翻译 My Mom always watches TV on sundays.
提问 How often does your mom watch TV on Sundays?
3 翻译 Tom sometimes plays football after school.
提问 How often does Tom play football after school?
4 翻译 Mary never listens to music in the class.
提问 How often does Mary listen to music in the class?
5 翻译 I go to cinema once a week.
提问 How often do you go to cinema?
6 翻译 My parents and I go to Dalian for vacation once a year.
提问 How often do your parents and you go to Dalian for vacation ?
7 翻译 We clean the classroom once a day.
提问 How often do you clean the classroom?
8 翻译 We went to visit our grandparents twice a week.
提问 How often did you visit your grandparents last year?
第2个回答  2012-10-21
1、I often do my homework at home.
2 My Mom always watch TV on sundays.
3 Tom sometimes play football after school.
4 Mary never listen to music in the class.
5 I go to see movies once a week.
6 My parents and I go to Dalian for vacation once a year.
7 We clean classroom once a day.
8 We went to see our grandparents once a week.
全用 how often 提问 就可以追问



8、how often did you go to see your grandparents?
7 How often do you clean classroom?
6 How often do your parents and you go to Dalian for vacation?
以上2 3 4 句子第三人称的把谓语改为单数 ,我刚才忘了

第3个回答  2012-10-21
1. I always do my homeworks at home.
2. My mother usually watch TV on Sundays
3. Sometimes Tom plays football after school.
4. Mary never listening music in class.
5. I go to the cinema once a week
6. I go to DaLian for vocation with my parents once a year.
7. We clean our classroom once a day.
8. Last year, i went to see my grandmother twice a week.
第4个回答  2012-10-21
I always do my homework at home .
My mother always watches TV at home.
Tom sometimes plays football afterschool.
Mary never listens to music in class.
I watch TV once a week.
My parents and I go for a holiday every year.
We clean classroom everyday.
Last year I visit my grandparents twice a week.

不是很正确 请见谅追问



用how 来提问

第5个回答  2012-10-21
、I often do my homework at home.
2 My Mom always watch TV on sundays.
3 Tom sometimes play football after school.
4 Mary never listen to music in the class.
5 I go to see movies once a week.
6 My parents and I go to Dalian for vacation once a year.
7 We clean classroom once a day.
8 We went to see our grandparents once a week.本回答被网友采纳



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