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摘要:纵观西方音乐的发展历史,我们不难看到:在西方音乐几千年的发展历史中,无论是宗教音乐还是世俗音乐,都始终贯穿着强烈的人文精神内涵。在本文中,笔者深入到西方音乐的精神内涵深处,总结出了西方音乐中的几点人文表现:一关注人类的苦难与拯救,这一类主要介绍的是基督教音乐;二 关注人类的命运、人的生存价值,感悟人生的意义;三 关注整个人类的解放与自由; 四 注重人与世界的和谐关系;五挖掘人内心深处的自然本性,即人性。通过本篇论文,笔者希望能对西方音乐文化中的人文精神实质进行一次考察,以达到真正地理解西方音乐客观历史事实背后的基本文化精神之目的。

关键词:西方音乐 人文精神 价值意义

第1个回答  2012-07-02
Throughout the history of Western music, it is not difficult to see: in the thousands of years of development in the history of Western music, whether religious or secular music of music, always through a strong connotation of humanism. In this article in the, author in-depth to Western music of spirit connotation deep, summary out has Western music in the of several points Humanities performance: a concern human of suffering and save, this category main describes of is Christian Music; II concern human of fate, and people of survival value, feeling life of significance; three concern entire human of liberation and free; four focusing on people and world of harmonious relationship; five mining people heart deep of natural nature, that humanity. Through this paper, I want to be able to essence of humanism in Western music culture carried out a mission to achieve truly understand Western music of objective historical facts behind the basic cultural and spiritual purposes
第2个回答  2012-06-29

Try to talk about the western music of humane spirit
Abstract: by western music development history, we can see: in western music thousands of years of development history, whether religious music or secular music, are always running through the strong humanistic connotation. In this paper, the author deeply into the spirit of the western music deep connotation, and summarized the western music some human performance: a focus on human suffering and save, this kind of mainly introduced in this paper is a Christian music; 2 the fate of human attention, people's existence value, feeling the meaning of life; On the whole the liberation of the three human and freedom; Pay attention to the world and the four harmonious relationship; Five mining people inside of nature, that is human nature. Through this paper, the author hope to music of the culture of western humanism spirit for a trip to really understand western music objective historical facts behind the basic purpose of cultural spirit.
Keywords: western music humanistic spirit value significance
第3个回答  2012-06-29
Throughout the music development of western history, we can see that during the thousands of years of development in western music history, whether religious music or
secular music, are always running through the strong humanistic connotation.
In this paper, the author was deeply into the spirit of the western music deep connotation,
and summarized some human performance of the western music : first,a focus on human suffering and save, this psrt mainly introduced Christian music;second,concerning the fate of human , people's existence value and feeling the
meaning of life; Third,Concerning the whole liberation and freedom of human; Forth,Paying attention to the harmony of the world and human beings; Fifth, digging people`s inside of nature, that is human nature.
Through this paper, the author hope to study the western humanism spirit of music to really understand the cultural spirit behind the western music historical facts .本回答被网友采纳
第4个回答  2012-06-28
In the development of western music history, we see not hard: in the western music development history of thousands of years, whether religious or secular music music, are always permeated with a strong humanistic spirit connotation. In this paper, the author deeply into the western music of the spiritual connotation of deep, summed up western music in several human performance: a focus on human suffering and save, this type is mainly Christian music; two concern for human destiny, the value of human existence, life significance; three about the whole of mankind the liberation and freedom; four pay attention to the human and the world harmony; five excavation innermost nature, human nature. Through this paper, the author hopes to the western music culture in the spiritual essence undertakes making an on-the-spot investigation, in order to achieve the true understanding of western music the objective historical facts behind the basic culture spirit of




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