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第1个回答  2012-04-10
【 abstract 】 along with the rapid development of economic globalization, the u.s.-china trade increasingly close cooperation. Because the two countries different cultural background and cultural environment, and both their different culture state-owned concept. These cultural differences of Chinese and American business communication has had a huge impact. Only by establishing the QuanQiuGuan culture can we truly achieve the globalization of economy.
【 key words 】 economic globalization; The cultural difference; The business communication

A, the business negotiation's style difference
(a) the difference of negotiation tactics
Based on the objective existence of the thinking difference, the cultures of the negotiators present a decision differences. The business negotiations. The Chinese representative on the first contract the common overall principle and common interests launches the discussion. The Chinese negotiators think the general rule is the starting point of the with other problems. Only when the general rule sure down, it will be possible to the details of the contract negotiations. The "first talk about principles, after about details" negotiations strategies is China's negotiation one of the characteristics of the most obvious. Americans think the world is by fact rather than concepts constitute, so they don't believe the things too pure reason. In the course of the negotiation they heavy concrete is better than the overall, when faced with a complex task of negotiations, the order decision-making method of americans often will big task decomposition for a series of small tasks. Will the price, delivery, guarantee and service contract and other problems to solve times, each time to solve a problem, from beginning to end have concessions and commitment, the final agreement is a series of small agreement combined. So negotiations began, they discussed below to money. They think that overall principles dispensable, only real specific problems so that negotiations can be get progress. The negotiations strategies reflect the differences of the two nations the different ways of thinking. Chinese people value their comprehensive thinking mode, from the traditional culture of China. Therefore, negotiations, the Chinese representative all things from the whole to the local, from big to small, from the general to the specific. Americans tend to linear thinking mode. Therefore, the American people are often details given great attention. They pay attention to actual, initially anxious to discuss specific amount, and they think that the contract is a complete, should be abide by, binding terms.






第2个回答  2012-04-10
[ Abstract ] along with the swift development trend of economic globalization, Sino-US trade cooperation is close with each passing day. Because the two countries different cultural background and the cultural environment, China and the United States have different cultural concepts. These cultural differences on Sino-US business communication exerted an enormous influence. Only by establishing the global cultural view to realize the economic globalization. [ Key words ] economic globalization; cultural difference; Chinese and American business communication, differences of Sino-US business negotiating styles ( a ) negotiation strategy based on the difference of objective existence of thinking difference, the negotiators of different cultures showed differences in decision-making. The Sino-American Business negotiation. The representative of China first on contract to abide by the overall principles and common interests to discuss. Chinese negotiators that total principle is to solve other problems starting point. Only when the general principles set down, just have the details of the contract negotiations. This" talk about the principle, after about detail" negotiation strategy is Chinese negotiating style the most obvious feature of the. Americans think that the world is made of fact rather than concepts form, so they won't be too believe that pure reason. The negotiation process of heavy concrete is better than their overall, when faced with a complex negotiation task, using the sequential decision method Americans often big task is decomposed into a series of small tasks. The price, delivery, guarantee and service contracts and other issues to resolve, solve every time a problem from first to last, there are concessions and commitments, the agreement is a series of small agreement sum. So the negotiations started, they went straight to the theme discussed specific money. They thought that the overall principles not essential, only have real specific problems can make the negotiation progress. Negotiation strategy reflects differences in two nationalities different ways of thinking. The Chinese people takes the comprehensive way of thinking, from the traditional culture of china. Therefore, in the negotiations, the Chinese delegate everything from local to the whole, from small to large, from general to specific. Americans tend to be linear thinking way. Thus, Americans tend to give great attention to detail. They pay attention to actual, begin to discuss the specific money, they think that the contract is a complete set of, should be kept, legally binding clause. I will help him.



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