帮我翻yi一下 词组,翻译成英文(急)


第1个回答  2012-02-11
1.热线 hotline
2.下降 decline/deduce
3.(美)垃圾 rubbish/waste/scrap
4.(美)走廊 lobby
5.(美)课间休息 break
6.对某人大方 be generous to sb.
7.赞扬某人 praise sb./speak highly of sb.
8.投票反对某人 vote against sb.
9.帮助人们解决问题 help people solve problem
10.相信某人的话 trust sb.
11.写信给编辑(谈)他最好的朋友的事情 write to editor talk about his best firend's issue
12.在数字上的文化 culture base on number
13.世界湿地日 World Wetlands Day
14.采取措施做。。。。。。 take measures to do sth.
16.一年一次 once a year
17.小心开车 drive carefully/ be careful drive
18.在世界的其他地方 in the other place in world
19.走很长的路 walk a long way
2.0乱扔垃圾 throwing rubbish everywhere
21.在观鸟期间 during the birdwatching
22.关于扎龙的报告 the report about Zhalong
23.唯一理由 only one reason
24.别的更小的鸟类 other smaller birds
25.动植物和鸟类的家园 the homeland of flora and fauna
26.有长尖形翅膀的燕子 the kind of swallow with sharp wings
27.到达北京野生公园 arrived at BeiJing Wildlife Park
28.懂得保护湿地的重要性 understand the importance of protect wetlands
29.一场有趣的鸟展 an interesting birds exhibition
30.为...提供食物和住处 offer food and residence for ...
31.保护野生动物的活动 activity for protect wildlife
32.对排球感兴趣 be interested in volleyball
33.来参加俱乐部的活动 come here to attend club party
34.给某人发电子邮件到...信箱 send email to sb. as ...(email address)
35.按...电话号码给某人电话 call sb. as ...(number)
36.阳光灿烂 the sun is shining brightly
37.对别人讲礼貌 be polite to others
38.成为...成员 be the member of...
39.等不及 can't wait for sth./sb./to do sth.




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