
1. 专利结构中对心驳接头(专利号;ZL 03 2 11834.1)指驳接头的转动中心和玻璃厚度中心一致。
我公司研制的专利结构对心驳接头(专利号: ZL 03 2 11834.1),实现了驳接头的转动中心和玻璃厚度中心的一致(如图4)。这样偏心距E为零,附加扭矩T为零,降低了玻璃孔周围的应力。
2. 选用小开孔直径的驳接头有利于提高玻璃开孔处的边缘强度,特别对于异形玻璃,较小开孔直径更有利于提高玻璃孔边缘强度。我厂推出多种开孔直径的驳接头,请用户根据需要选取。
3. 目前存在驳接件生产厂为降低加工精度和生产成本,在驳接头的后部采用橡胶垫片,由于橡胶的老化,几年后会对目前造成很大伤害。恒安驳接头可以转动球头,采用轴承结构,球头之间全部采用不锈钢金属连接,并且设置弹性机构,既可保证球头灵活转动,又可吸收幕墙的振动。

第1个回答  2012-03-29
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Joint on cardiac structure introduction
As a result of point-supporting glass curtain wall of glass by the wind load, gravity load and earthquake action, all through the glass hole transfer to Bojie claws, causing glass opening office often is the maximum stress position, (1) coupled with the opening after the glass hole around the crack source exists, the it is also often the damage location of glass. Therefore improve the glass hole edge strength, reduce the glass hole stress is to improve the security of key point type curtain wall.
The 1patent structure of joint ( Patent No.:3211834.1; ZL ) Zhibo joint rotation center and the thickness of the glass center.
Joint with universal ball joints connecting the purpose is to make the joint absorption glass wind pressure deformation, reduce the deformation stress. The heart structure makes the deformation of the glass center (i.e. neutral layer, the thickness of the glass ) and a joint rotation center line center. Under the same loading glass deformation stress minimum, as shown in figure 2.
G glass gravity, N screw ball head support, E is an eccentric distance. G = N, split joints subjected to torque Ge, with reaction method. At the glass surrounding the hole, so that the glass hole around the great stress ( the stress in the current design and calculation in general cannot be considered ). This kind of stress in glass by wind load, deformation and stress under the combined action of will cause the glass damage.
Our company developed the patented structure on the heart joint ( patent number: ZL 3211834.1), achieved a joint rotation center and the thickness of the glass center line ( Figure 4). This eccentricity E is zero, the additional torque T is zero, reduces the stress around the hole glass.
2 selection of small hole diameter of the joint is beneficial to improve the glass hole edge strength, especially for special-shaped glass, small hole diameter is more propitious to improve the glass hole edge strength. I plant the introduction of a variety of hole diameter joint, please user to select.
3existing Bojie pieces production plant in order to reduce the machining precision and the production cost, in the joint at the rear of the rubber gasket, due to aging of rubber, a few years later will cause great harm to the present. Heng joint can rotate the ball head, ball head adopts the bearing structure, all made of stainless steel metal connection, and the setting of elastic mechanism, which can ensure the ball head rotate flexibly, and can absorb the vibration of curtain wall




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