麻烦各位英语大师帮忙翻译下专业英语 机械的 谢了!!!

In a ruling engine , support ,a pair of alined carriages each having a three point rolling contact with said support ,a guide bar along which said carriages may move ,means individual to each carriage tending to move said carriages in the same direction ,a lost motion connection between said carriages ,means individual to each carriage for clamping the respective carriage to said guide bar ,each of said clamping pressure of a uniform amount at each clamping action ,and means actuable to serially actuate said clamping means to release one of said carriages for motion equal to said lost motion while the other carriage is clamped and then to release said other carriage for motion equal to said lost motion while said one carriage is clamped ,whereby said work carriage progresses along said guideway by successive feed increments each equal to the amount of said lost motion.

第1个回答  2012-04-10




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