

第1个回答  2024-05-28
将事物搁置一旁或遗忘的英文表达方式有多种,如"put [lay] on the shelf","have (sth.) shelved and forgotten","brush sth. aside"以及"bundle [tie] sth. up and place it on the top shelf"。例如,一个自私的人会将自己置于这种忽视的状态,即"The selfish man put himself on the shelf"。让人们了解个人挑战有助于防止梦想被束之高阁,"Letting more people know about your personal challenges will help keep you from letting the desire die"。

然而,像Amy Winehouse这样的艺术家,她从未被归类为典型的青少年明星,始终保持着拒绝被刻板印象束缚的态度,"But winehouse was never a packaged teen star, and always resisted being pigeonholed"。

在东帝汶长达十多年的时间里,没有印尼官员因犯罪被判有罪,关于国际法庭的想法实际上被搁置了,"Ten years on not a single indonesian official has been convicted of any crime in east timor, and the idea of an international tribunal has been, in effect, ditched"。

未来的雇主在挑选求职者时,倾向于选择灵活而非僵化的人选,那些未经请求的简历往往被搁置一旁,"But prospective employers throw away most of those un-requested 'tombstone' lists, preferring to interview the quick rather than the dead"。

在倡导素质和文化的斗争中,我们拒绝将人和观念简单地归类为好或坏,"I embrace such qualities and with all people struggle not to accept cultural stereotypes or pigeonhole people and ideas as 'good' or 'bad'。

对于南非政府在公共卫生紧急事件上的反应迟缓,人们曾表示担忧,但这些担忧未能得到充分关注,最终可能导致高昂的代价和对整个撒哈拉以南非洲数百万人的威胁,"Several expressed concern...left unchecked, could prove hugely expensive to contain and could threaten millions across sub-Saharan Africa"。

在伊朗的法律中,关于动物权利的问题长久以来被忽视,因为宠物的地位并不受重视,"if iran's laws were silent for decades on the question of dogs, that is because the animals in the capacity of pet were as irrelevant to daily life as dinosaurs"。



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