大家帮忙写一篇TO BE THE BEST.TO BE MYSELF 做最好的自己”的英语演讲稿,雅思水平!雅思水平啊!亲们!


第1个回答  2012-04-04
As to most of us, to be the best maybe means making a lot of achievements, getting high grades at school, earning a lot of money, etc. Someone might say, ‘Yes, I just want to be the best and this is actually the life I want to live.’ Well, not many of them can really realize their dreams.

Then someone might say, ‘Since I can’t be the best, then I can be myself. Do everything I want and be the one I want to be.’ Well, you can choose to live this way. But are you sure that you’ll not go astray just because you want to be yourself?

These so-called ‘to be the best’ or ‘to be myself’ are just a little one-sided. In my opinion, we should try to be the best self. The experience of Einstein made me deeply believe in this.

At the age of nine, Einstein and his classmates were asked to make a little sculpture. All the students soon finished the work except him. When the teacher began to examine their work, she saw the unfinished sculpture of Einstein and shouted with surprise, ‘Oh my! This is the ugliest sculpture I have ever seen. I 'm sure that nobody could make a worse one.' Einstein said calmly, ‘No, I've ever seen a worse one, the one I made last time.'

When I first saw these words, I felt amused about it. Then I learned something from it –even if you can't be the best, you can be the best of yourself. Every time you make a little progress, you are the best of yourself.

To be the best self is much more realistic than to be the best and more responsible than to be myself. We set a goal and devote ourselves to it, so even we fail, we’ll not regret. We have demands on ourselves so we will not go astray. Moreover, different people possess different abilities. Different people who devote the same effort into the same thing may not get the same fruit. At that time, the best way to judge them is whether they are trying to be the best of themselves. Just as a saying: ‘Till good is better, but better best.’ So the one I have to compare with is not others but myself. In that way, I prefer to be the best of myself and enjoy the things I was doing.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2012-11-20
第3个回答  2012-04-04
雅思水平的 那大概要多少字数?追问



我本来正在写的 可是我看到楼下的那篇 我觉得写得很好 你看看。



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