

第1个回答  2012-05-16
Preschool education in the education system plays a fundamental role, on the physical and mental development of children is extremely important, at present, has attracted more and more attention in preschool education, preschool education the existence of the problem has become the topic with eristic people. Preschool education only in the compulsory education can well solve the fair education and balanced development of education problem, therefore the preschool education in compulsory education is necessary, the subject of preschool education related concept elaboration, unifies the domestic and foreign preschool education development condition, put forward our country preschool education some problems existing at present, in order to prove the preschool education in compulsory education the necessity. Only the implementation of preschool education compulsory, increase a country to preschool education input, clear and various government and education administration duty, increase strength of macroscopical adjusting control, the equilibrium configuration of preschool education resources, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of government, society, family, kindergarten education, preschool education to ensure the basic position and nature of the public, to implementation of preschool education in our country and the leap-forward sustainable development.
第2个回答  2012-05-16
翻译;Pre-school education in education system plays a fundamental role in, children's physical and mental development of influence is extremely important, at present, preschool education has been paid more attention to and pre-school education problems also becomes the people's tongue. Pre-school education compulsory education can only into the well solve the education fair and balanced development of education, education compulsory education in preschool therefore is necessary, the subject of pre-school education through the related concepts, this article has discussed the development of pre-school education both at home and abroad condition, puts forward the preschool education in our country some problems at present, so as to prove education into preschool education obligations of necessity. Preschool education only the obligation of the change, increase the investment of preschool education for countries, governments at all levels and their education administration clearly part of the duties, and increase the macro-control, equilibrium configuration pre-school education resources, to give full play to the government, the society, the family, kindergarten education's enthusiasm, preschool education to ensure the basic status and public welfare nature, to realize our country preschool education career and the leap-forward sustainable development.本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2012-05-16
Pre-school education in education system plays a fundamental role in, children's physical and mental development of influence is extremely important, at present, preschool education has been paid more attention to and pre-school education problems also becomes the people's tongue. Pre-school education compulsory education can only into the well solve the education fair and balanced development of education, education compulsory education in preschool therefore is necessary, the subject of pre-school education through the related concepts, this article has discussed the development of pre-school education both at home and abroad condition, puts forward the preschool education in our country some problems at present, so as to prove education into preschool education obligations of necessity. Preschool education only the obligation of the change, increase the investment of preschool education for countries, define governments at all levels and ?
第4个回答  2012-05-16
来自有道 Preschool education only the obligation of the change, increase the investment of preschool education for countries, governments at all levels and their education administration clearly part of the duties, and increase the macro-control, equilibrium configuration pre-school education resources, to give full play to the government, the society, the family, kindergarten education's enthusiasm, preschool education to ensure the basic status and public welfare nature, to realize our country preschool education career and the leap-forward sustainable development.
第5个回答  2020-02-03



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