

第1个回答  2012-05-27
  Students Consumption Status
  (A) Students rational consumption is mainstream
  Through questionnaires and individual interviews can be summarized to say that some rational factors of the consumer attitudes of the contemporary college students, breaking the traditional just to meet basic survival needs of the concept.
  (1) the proportion accounted for by the development of information in the consumption structure is a tendency to expand. More focus on improving their own learning conditions to meet the spiritual and cultural needs. According to this survey, a majority of 1/2 per semester in the freshman girls and boys surveyed investment in education learning in less than 200 yuan, about half of the students in the junior girls and boys surveyed in this investment in more than 400 yuan. This shows that the newly enrolled freshman students already have to improve their own pursuit, but in setting their own goals and plans at the same time, a more cautious investment; juniors after two years of college life, most of own design to determine the target (Kaoyan studying all kinds of eligibility certification, the English level exams, etc.), investment in education of their employment and achieve self-worth is a must.
  Students also attaches great importance to the health consumer. The survey data show that 35.5% of male students to pay attention to the monthly consumption of nutrient consumption, a greater proportion of girls accounted for 42.2%. Fitness center set up in schools very popular with students, through surveys and interviews with some of the students, 30 percent of the students have chosen to regular physical exercise, they use the school's sports resources, but also to participate in extracurricular leisure and fitness club. Students of health spending also covers sports equipment supplies, clothing and other content.
  Consumer presents the multi-hierarchical. Monthly consumption of more than 800 yuan, accounting for 7.8%, less than 350 yuan, accounting for 15.9%, 44.3% of the students 'monthly consumption between $ 350-500, 31.9 percent of the students' monthly spending control between 500 yuan to 800 yuan . Visible, university students consumption level of differentiation is clear, the proportion of intermediate levels of an absolute majority, not only reflects the social background of intense transformation, but also the main consumer of the college students tend to reason.
  Overall, consumer attitudes of college students are gradually opening up, avant-garde, but the traditional rational consumer attitudes is still the mainstream. The vast majority of students consider spending the largest factor is the quality of goods or services, the price, and the pursuit of cheap. Because the main source of income of 87.5% of most students is the parents supply, while 8.9% of students own part-time, but not make much money. Due to elimination
  (B) Contemporary Consumption of Students there are a number of issues:
  An excessive pursuit of fashion and brand names, there are psychological comparisons. Individual surveys and interviews, we learned that: in order to have a cell phone or change to a popular phone, some students prefer to live frugally, at the expense of other necessary expenses; some students to a brand-name clothes, brand name shoes, hats, and even to others to borrow money to meet the desire. Reflect some of the students do not know the amount of income out, driven by vanity can easily form the endless psychological comparisons.
  (2) interpersonal excessive consumption, mainly for communications expenditures and love spending. Communication costs, the students have cell phones accounted for two-thirds of the total number of surveyed monthly consumption higher than 80 yuan, accounting for 40.3 percent, nearly be half of the number. Description of students' cell phone consumer is not rational, high overhead, and quite serious. 16.2 percent of college students love about more than a month spending about 100-200 dollars, most of them recognize the pursuit of the emotional needs of the material input, and often difficult to grasp the rational principle of moderate consumption.
  (3) the sense of economic independence is weak, weak financial management concepts. 345 people surveyed, 39 did not make the tutor or part-time and those who made a tutor or part-time students have different purposes, 1/2 of the students are eager for the growth of social experience, 14.2% of the students to independent for the purpose of the "daily subsidy" for the purpose of the proportion accounted for 23.2%, if the desire for independence as a proactive sense of independence, then the subsidy daily can be seen as a passive sense of independence. The total to the first two with the sense of independence the proportion of students only to the respondents the total number of 1/3. Of course, 12.5 percent of the students are holding nothing attitude. Obviously, the awareness in this respect compared to peers of the American and European countries the age of 16 require economic independence, the gap is more obvious.本回答被提问者采纳



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