怎么样才算的上时一个research question啊。举个例子


第1个回答  2015-10-27
A good research question
Definition of research: A systematic approach to finding answers to questions (E. Hatch & H. Farhady, 1982). There are three important elements in this definition: question, a systematic approach and answers.

All researches originate from questions. The means to answer those questions is a systematic approach. Results are your answers to the questions. So finding a good question is the first step of doing research.

A good question means it is significant, original and feasible.

A significant question may have two meanings: having practical significance and having theoretical significance. You cannot ask a question like "Is polite language important for interpreters working in TCM clinic?" Everybody knows it is important. You may ask, for example, "What polite language is used by interpreters in TCM clinical work?" Answer to this question will help other interpreters or translation trainers to learn polite language used in that situation, and can provide evidence for the development of theoretical model of pragmatics.

Being original is relative. It exists somewhere between two extremities: not original at all and completely original.

There are two possible situations for a question that is not original at all: (1) the question has been thoroughly studied, or (2) it is a question everybody can answer with their common sense.

Completely original questions means you cannot find any reference on the topic. You have to try everything.

The most appropriate question is one that is similar to a topic other people have already studied, but you have something new, for example, happening in a different situation, used by different people, or taking different measures to collect or analyze the data.

Feasibility means the researcher is able to complete the project within limited time with existing manpower, materials and money.
第2个回答  2015-05-04
Refine your research question to give it a clear, direct focus based on your preliminary research. For example, "How did the U.S. get involved in the Vietnam War?" is better than "What role did the U.S. play in the Vietnam War?" because it is focused on a specific part of a very broad issue. You'll have an easier time writing your paper if your research questions are specific, because you'll use your research question to guide you in writing a thesis for your paper.

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