

第1个回答  2016-06-04

在《Molecular Cell》 (影响因子14.178)、《Neuclear Acids Research》、《Plant Physiology》、《New Phytologist》、《中国科学》、《科学通报》等国内外著名学术刊物上发表论文170多篇。
1、Zheng CC, Porat R, Lu P, O’Neill SD. PNZIP is a novel mesophyll-specific cDNA that is regulated by phytochrome and a circadian rhythm and encodes a protein with a leucine zipper motif. Plant Physiology, 1998, 116:27~35
2、Zheng CC, Bui AQ, O’Neill SD. Abundance of an mRNA encoding a HMG DNA-binding protein is regulated by light and an endogenous rhythm. Plant Molecular Biology. 1993, 23:813~823
3、张可伟,郑成超(通讯作者)。强MAR的分离及体外功能鉴定。科学通报,2002,47(20):1572- 1577
5、李宏,郑成超(通讯作者)。6个植物MARs序列的ARS功能鉴定与分析。科学通报,2003,48(24):2544- 2548
6、Ning Liu, Cheng-Chao Zheng(通讯作者), NTZIP antisense plants show reduced chlorophyll levels, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2004,42(4):321-327
7、Changai Wu, Zheng Chengchao(通讯作者). The cotton GhNHX1 gene encoding a novel putative tonoplast Na+/H+ antiporter plays an important role in salt stress. Plant and Cell Physiology, 2004,45(5): 489-496
8、Hai-Yan Li, Cheng-Chao Zheng(通讯作者). Colonization by the Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus Glomus versiforme Induces a Defense Response Against the Root-knot Nematode Meloidogyne incognita in the Grapevine (Vitis amurensis Rupr.), Which Includes Transcriptional Activation of the Class III Chitinase Gene VCH3. Plant and Cell Physiology, 2006, 47(1): 154–163
9、Xiao Wang, Chengchao Zheng(通讯作者). Isolation and purification of honokiol and magnolol from cortex magnoliae officinalis by high-speed counter-current chromatography. Journal of chromatography A. 2004, 1036(2):171-175.
10、Xiao Wang, Chengchao Zheng(通讯作者) An efficient new method for extraction, separation and purification of psoralen and isopsoralen from Fructus Psoraleae by supercritical fluid extraction and high-speed counter-current chromatography。Journal of chromatography A. 2004,.1055:135-140
11、Xiao Wang, Chengchao Zheng(通讯作者). Application of preparative high-speed counter-current chromatography for separation and purification of arctiin from Fructus Arctii, Journal of chromatography A. 2004, 1063: 247-251
12、Hua Xue, Cheng-Chao Zheng(通讯作者), TM2, a novel strong matrix attachment region isolated from tobacco, increases transgene expression in transgenic rice calli and plants. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 2005, 110:620-627
13、Hongxin Zhang and Cheng-Chao Zheng(通讯作者).Expression and characterization of Helicobacter pylori heat-shock protein A (HspA) protein in transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants. Biotechnology and Appllied Biochemistry. 2006,43, 33–38
14、 Da-Peng Shan, Jin-Guang Huang, Yu-Tao Yang, Ying-Hui Guo andCheng-Chao Zheng*. Cotton GhDREB1 increases plant tolerance to low temperature and is negatively regulated by gibberellic acid.New Phytologist2007. 176: 70–81
15、Meng-Meng Zhanga, Lu-Sha Ji, Hua Xue, Yu-Tao Yang, Chang-Ai Wu andCheng-Chao Zheng*. High transformation frequency of tobacco and rice via Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer by flanking a tobacco matrix attachment regionPhysiologia Plantarum2007.129: 644–651.
16、Dong Wang, Yinghui Guo, Changai Wu, Guodong Yang, Yingying Li andChengchao Zheng*. Genome-wide analysis of CCCH zinc finger family in Arabidopsis and rice.BMC Genomics2008, 9:44
17、Hanhua Liu, Xin Tian, Yanjie Li, Changai Wu andChengchao Zheng*.Microarray-based analysis of stress-regulated microRNAs in Arabidopsis thaliana.RNA2008, 14: 836-843
18、 Xin Huang · Wei Zhu · Silan Dai · Shupeng Gai ·Guosheng Zheng ·Chengchao Zheng*. The involvement of mitochondrial phosphate transporter in accelerating bud dormancy release during chilling treatment of tree peony (Paeonia suVruticosa).Planta2008, 228(4):545-52
19、Xiyan Yu, Xiufeng Wang, Wenqian Zhang, Tingting Qian, Guimin Tang, Yankui Guo,Chengchao Zheng*. Antisense Suppression of an Acid Invertase Gene (MAI1) in Muskmelon Alters Plant Growth and Fruit Development.Journal of Experimental Botany.2008, 59(11):2969-77.
20、Jiedao Zhang, Longtao Lu, Lusha Ji, Guodong Yang,Chengchao Zheng*. Functional characterization of a tobacco matrix attachment region-mediated enhancement of transgene expression.Transgenic Research.2009, 18:377-385
21、 Hongxin Zhang andCheng-Chao Zheng* Oral immunogenicity and protective efficacy in mice of a carrot-derived vaccine candidate expressing UreB subunit againstHelicobacter pylori.Protein Expression and Purification. 2009, 69:127-131
22、Tongtong Xue, Xinzheng Li, Wei Zhu, Changai Wu, Guodong Yang, andChengchao Zheng*. Cotton metallothionein GhMT3a, a reactive oxygen species scavenger, increased tolerance against abiotic stress in transgenic tobacco and yeast.Journal of Experimental Botany.2009, 60: 339-349
23、 Ying-Hui Guo, Yue-Ping Yu, Dong Wang, Chang-Ai Wu, Guo-Dong Yang, Jin-Guang Huang andCheng-Chao Zheng*. GhZFP1, a novel CCCH-type zinc finger protein from cotton, enhances salt stress tolerance and fungal disease resistance in transgenic tobacco by interacting with GZIRD21A and GZIPR5.New Phytologist2009, 183: 62–75
24、Yu-Tao Yang, Yan-Li Yu, Guo-Dong Yang, Jie-Dao Zhang andCheng-Chao Zheng*, Tissue-specific expression of the PNZIP promoter is mediated by combinatorial interaction of different cis-elements and a novel ranscriptional factor.Nucleic Acids Research2009, 37(8):2630–2644
25、Jin-Guang Huang, Mei Yang, Pei Liu, Guo-Dong Yang, Chang-Ai Wu andCheng-Chao Zheng*.GhDREB1enhances abiotic stress tolerance, delays GA-mediated development and represses cytokinin signaling in transgenic Arabidopsis.Plant, Cell & Environment, 2009, 32, 1132–1145
26、YanLi Yu, YanZe Li, LingLi Li, JinXing Lin,ChengChao Zheng*Overexpression ofPwTUA1, a pollen-specific tubulin gene, increases pollen tube elongation by altering the distribution of α-tubulin and promoting vesicle transport.Journal of Experimental Botany,2009, 60(9):2737-49
27、 Yanjie Li, Yaru Fu, Lusha Ji, Changai Wu,Chengchao Zheng*.Characterization and expression analysis of the Arabidopsis mir169 family.Plant Science2010,178: 271-280
28、Jin-Guang Huang, Mei Yang, Pei Liu, Guo-Dong Yang, Chang-Ai Wu,Cheng-Chao Zheng*.Genome-wide profiling of developmental, hormonal or environmental responsiveness of the nucleocytoplasmic transport receptors in Arabidopsis.Gene.2010, 451:38-44
29、Dongmei Xi, Wushuang Liu, Guodong Yang, Changai Wu,Cheng-chao Zheng*. Seed-specific overexpression of antioxidant genes in Arabidopsis enhances oxidative stress tolerance during germination and early seedling growth.Plant Biotechnology Journal,2010, 8:796-806.
30、 Hao Huan, Sheng-Dong Qi, Fang Qi, Chang-Ai Wu, Guo-Dong Yang andCheng-Chao Zheng*. NtKTI1, a Kunitz trypsin inhibitor with antifungal activity from Nicotiana tabacum, plays an important role in tobacco’s defense response.FEBS Journal2010, 277:4076-4088.
31、Yanjie Li, Yaru Fu, Jinguang Huang, Changai Wu andChengchao Zheng*Insight into the transcriptional regulation during the early development of the maize brace root.FEBS Journal2010



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