
我叫~~,汉族,今年21岁,身高158cm。即将于康定民族师范高等专科学校中文专业毕业。我出身在四川省的一个小镇上,家里一共四个人,爸爸、妈妈、我及弟弟。弟弟正在一所中专学校学习。我在校期间分别连续五次获专业三等奖学金,获三次“劳动积极分子”称号,“优秀班干部”称号,“名著表演个人奖二等奖”等。我的爱好很广泛,特别是计算机办公操作很熟练,善于普通话,长于写作。我性格开朗、积极活泼、乐观向上,善于交际,适应能力强,脚踏实地、认真负责、坚毅不拔、吃苦耐劳、勇于迎接新挑战。 我想我特别适合文职类的工作,如果有幸被聘用,我会拿出我十二分的热情去工作的。静待佳音! (亲爱的网友、高手,可能我的字数有点多,您在翻译时可酌量减些。谢谢)

第1个回答  2012-06-03
I am~~, Chinese, 21 years old this year, body height 158 cms.Will soon settle race teacher at the Kang Fan Gao to etc. Chinese profession in junior college to graduate.I am from on a small town in Sichuan province, home totally four people, father, mother and I and younger brother.Younger brother just at an amid particularly the school study.I the difference five times get professional third order scholarship in a row and get three"labor activist" title during the period of school, "excellent squad cadre" title, "the Zhao perform personal award accessit" waits.My a fondness for is very extensive, especially the calculator transacts working very masterly and is good at common speech, longer than writing.My personality is bright, aggressive alacrity, optimism is upward good at intercommunion, it is strong to adapt to capacity, practical, hard preside, firm and unyielding, diligent, brave to greet a new challenge.I think that I am specially suited for a white collar job job, if is lucky be employed, I will take out I enthusiasm 12 bat batches work.The stat needs good tidings!(Dear net friend, superior, probably my word number has a little polypeptide, you can consider to reduce while translating.Thank)
第2个回答  2012-06-02
I am ~ ~, the Han nationality, this year 21 years old, height 158cm. The Kangding Teachers College for Nationalities Chinese majors. I was born in Sichuan Province in a small town, home to a total of four persons, father, mother, my brother and. My brother is a technical secondary school. I was at school during each successive five times by three professional scholarship, awarded the three" labor activist" title," excellent class cadre " title," classics show individual award two prize". My hobby is very widespread, particularly office computer operation is very skilled, good at Mandarin, good at writing. I am cheerful, active and lively, cheerful, good at communication, a strong ability to adapt, stand on solid ground, serious and responsible, perseverance, hard-working, have the courage to meet new challenges. I think I particularly suited to the category of work, if lucky enough to be employed, I will show my twelve enthusiastic to work. Waiting for you!
第3个回答  2012-05-24
I call ~~, the Han Nationality, this year is 21 years old, height 158cm. Soon from Kangting nationality pedagogical College level specialty school Chinese specialized graduation. My family background on a Sichuan's small town, in family altogether four people, daddy, mother, I and younger brother. A younger brother specialized middle school study. I continual five times attain the specialized third-class scholarship in the school period distinction, attains three times “the labor activist” the title, “the outstanding class cadre” the title, “the famous work performance rewards the second prize personally” and so on. My hobby is very widespread, the computer work operation is very specially skilled, is good at the standard spoken Chinese, excels in the writing. I am open and bright positively, lively, optimistic upward, is good at the human relations, adaptiveness, conscientious, is responsible, not to pull out, to bear hardships and stand hard work firm and resolute earnestly, dares to meet the new challenge. I think my especially qualify civilian post class work, if is hired fortunately, I will put out I 12 point enthusiasm to work. Awaits calmly the good news! (the dear net friend, the master, my number of words a little are possibly many, you when translation may consider that reduces. Thanks



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