You are not alone的歌词及中文意思


第1个回答  2012-05-18
You Are not Alone你不会孤单

Another day has gone 又是新的一天(似乎是一个美好的开端,但下一句……)
I'm still all alone 我的孤单没有削减
How could this be 怎么会这样呢?
You're not here with me 因为你不在我身边
You never said goodbye 你为什么从不说再见
Someone tell me why 我终于得知这其中的原因
Did you have to go 你真的忍心离开我吗?
And leave my world so cold 你真的忍心让我的世界变得如此凄凉吗?

Everyday I sit and ask myself 我每天都问自己
How did love slip away 为什么我们越来越疏远了呢?
Something whispers in my ear and says 却听见 一个声音 在耳边 轻轻对我说:
That you are not alone 你不会孤单
For I am here with you 因为我和你同在
Though you're far away 无论你去到哪儿
I am here to stay我在这儿等你归来
But you are not alone 你不会孤单
For I am here with you 有我贴身陪伴
Though we're far apart 无论海角天涯
You're always in my heart 你都在我心间
But you are not alone (这一句是混音)
'Lone, 'lone
Why, 'lone
Just the other night 在某个夜晚
I thought I heard you cry 我听见你在哭泣
Asking me to come你在唤我回来
And hold you in my arms 回来把你紧紧拥抱在我的怀间
I can hear your prayers谢谢你 为我祈祷(这里再译成 我听到你的祈祷不好 )
Your burdens I will bear 我们承担了同样的思念和孤单(这地方一定不能直译成你的负担我将要承受,很别扭的)
But first I need your hand 我要牵着你的手
Then forever can begin 和你长厢厮守

Whisper three words 轻轻说三个字
and I'll come runnin' 我就会飞到你面前
And girl you know that I'll be there 亲爱的,我一直都在(girl的意思很多,女孩,亲爱的,女朋友,这在西方,是对女友比较亲昵的称呼)
I'll be there 不曾离开(上一句I'll be there我译的是我一直都在,这里使其不重复,所以译成不曾离开)

第2个回答  2012-05-15
You Are Not Alone"

Another day has gone
I'm still all alone
How could this be
You're not here with me
You never said goodbye
Someone tell me why
Did you have to go
And leave my world so cold
Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay
But you are not alone
I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
But you are not alone

'Lone, 'lone
Why, 'lone

Just the other night
I thought I heard you cry
Asking me to come
And hold you in my arms
I can hear your prayers
Your burdens I will bear
But first I need your hand
Then forever can begin

Whisper three words and I'll come runnin'
And girl you know that I'll be there
I'll be there

For you are not alone...
Not alone ohh
并不孤单 哦
You are not alone
You are not alone
Say it again
You are not alone
You are not alone
Not alone, Not alone
If you just reach out for me girl
In the morning, in the evening
Not alone, not alone
You and me not alone
Oh together together
哦 在一起 在一起
Not not being alone
Not not being alone
第3个回答  2012-05-15
You are not alone你并不孤单
Another day has gone 又一日过往   I'm still all alone 我依然孤单   How could this be 怎会如此?   You're not here with me 你不在我的身边   You never said goodbye 你从不说再见   Someone tell me why 谁能告诉我为什么   Did you have to go 你真的必须走吗?   And leave my world so cold 我的世界一片凄凉   Everyday I sit and ask myself 每天坐下来问自己   How did love slip away 爱情怎会远离   Something whispers in my ear and says 冥冥之中有人贴耳低语:   That you are not alone 你并不会孤单   For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁   Though you're far away 不管你多远   I am here to stay 我守候在天边   But you are not alone 你不会孤单   For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁   Though we're far apart 不管天涯海角   You're always in my heart 你在我心间   But you are not alone 你不会孤单   aLone, alone 孤单啊孤单   Why, alone 为什么 孤单   Just the other night 几天前的晚上   I thought I heard your cry 我想我听到了你哭泣   Asking me to come 呼唤我的到来   And hold you in my arms 紧拥你在怀间   I can hear your prayers 我听到了你的祈愿   Your burdens I will bear 我愿肩承你的负担   But first I need your hand 但先得执子之手    Then forever can begin方能白头偕老   Everyday I sit and ask myself 每天坐下来问自己   How did love slip away 爱情怎会远离   Something whispers in my ear and says 冥冥之中有人贴耳低语:   That you are not alone 你并不会孤单   For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁   Though you're far away 不管你多远   I am here to stay 我守候在天边   But you are not alone 你不会孤单   For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁   Though we're far apart 不管天涯海角   You're always in my heart 你在我心间   But you are not alone 你不会孤单   Whisper three words 悄悄说出那三个字(我爱你)   and I'll come runnin' 我将飞奔而来   AND I和我   And girl you know that I'll be there 和女孩啊,你知道我会在这里   I'll be there 常在你身边   That you are not alone 你不会孤单   For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁   Though you're far away 不管你多远   I am here to stay 我守候在天边   But you are not alone 你不会孤单   For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁   Though we're far apart 不管天涯海角   You're always in my heart 你在我心间   But you are not alone 你不会孤单   That you are not alone 你不会孤单   For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁   Though you're far away 不管你多远   I am here to stay 我守候在天边   But you are not alone 你不会孤单   For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁   Though we're far apart 不管天涯海角   You're always in my heart 你在我心间   But you are not alone 你不会孤单   not alone并不孤独(这是TV版才有的)   you are not alone你并不孤单   you are not alone你并不孤单   say it again再说一遍   you are not alone你并不孤单   you are not alone你并不孤单   not alone并不孤独   not alone并不孤独   you just reach out for me girl你只是对我伸出手,女孩   in the morning在上午   in the evening在晚上   not alone 并不孤独   not alone并不孤独   you and me你和我   not alone并不孤独   together一起   together一起   can't stop being alone欲罢不能的孤单    can't stop being alone欲罢不能的孤单
第4个回答  2012-05-15
She's getting out of bed at half past ten 一如即往 10:30 醒来
She starts tob her hair, just an ordinary day 装扮自己的头发
She looks at her reflection off the wall 看到镜中自己
Why do I care at all, just an ordinary day 为什么那么在意 只是平常的一天
An ordinary day that's hurting you 一如往常的日子让人心痛
Don't hide out inside yourself 何必掩饰自己
If you only let the sun shine on you 让你的生活充满色彩吧
I promise you 我答应你
You're not alone, when the lights go out at night 当华灯初上的时候 你并不孤单
When you're feeling lost inside, you're not alone 当你茫然自失的时候 你并不孤单
You're not alone, when you're world is falling down 当整个世界都颓废的时候 你不并不孤单
I will be the one around, you're not alone 你不孤单 我将在你左右
You're not alone 不孤单
She's waiting for the bus it's twelve fifty-nine 一如往常 她在等候25路车
She's sitting on her own, just an ordinary day 坐在自己的位置上
Just an ordinary day 这样一如即往的日子!
She's looking at the people passing her by 注视着擦身而过的人们
It could be you and I 你我都可能遇到相同状况
They would never dream of slowing down to see if she's alright 而时间永远都不会慢下脚步看她是否是好好的
Don't hide out inside yourself 何必掩饰自己
If you only let the sun shine on you 让你的生活充满色彩吧
I promise you 我答应你
You're not alone, when the lights go out at night 当华灯初上的时候 你并不孤单
When you're feeling lost inside, you're not alone 当你茫然自失的时候 你并不孤单
You're not alone, when you're world is falling down 当整个世界都颓废的时候 你不并不孤单
I will be the one around, you're not alone 你不孤单 我将在你左右
You're not alone, I'm hurting I'm hurting 不孤单 我在受伤 我在受伤
You're not alone, she's hurting she's hurting 你不孤单 她在受伤 她在受伤
You're not alone 不孤单
I'm so alone 我很孤单!
You're not alone, when the lights go out at night 当华灯初上的时候 你并不孤单
When you're feeling lost inside, you're not alone 当你茫然自失的时候 你并不孤单
You're not alone, when your world is falling down 当整个世界都颓废的时候 你不并不孤单
I will be the one around, you're not alone.. 你不孤单 我将在你左右 ..



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