
鱼腥草的主要有效成分为鱼腥草素,其化学名称为癸酰乙醛。1921年国外报道鱼腥草中含癸醛(Capric aldehyde)、月桂醛(Lauric aldehyde)及甲壬酮( Methyl-n-nonylketone )等成分,但这些化合物都没有抗病原微生物的作用。1952年,在水蒸汽蒸馏法所得鱼腥草精油中发现了一种有抗菌活性的物质,后被确定为癸酰乙醛[1]。由于癸酰乙醛不仅不溶于水,而且不稳定;常常转化为既有一定水溶性又稳定,而且抗菌活性不变的“癸酰乙醛亚硫酸盐”使用,又称合成鱼腥草素;合成鱼腥草素的生物活性与鱼腥草素完全相同。合成鱼腥草素(CH3(CH2)8COCH)CH(OH)SO3Na, MW 302.36,英文名称Sodium Houttuyfonate,简称HOU)是自色鳞片状或针状结品粉末,能溶于水,易溶于乙醇,有特殊鱼腥臭。合成鱼腥草素在《中华人民共和国药典》(2005版)中被称作鱼腥草素钠,主要当作抗生素治疗各种感染[2]。 癸酰乙醛在鱼腥草中的含量很低,70年代实现了癸酰乙醛亚硫酸钠的人工合成,随后实现了新鱼腥草素的合成。新鱼腥草素与鱼腥草素的功能类似。

第1个回答  2008-01-02
The cordate houttuynia main effective component is the cordate houttuynia element, its chemistry name is the decanoyl acetaldehyde.In 1921 in overseas report cordate houttuynia including decyl aldehyde (Capric aldehyde), lauric aldehyde (Lauric aldehyde) and armor methyl heptyl ketone (Methyl-n-nonylketone) equicomponent, but these compound do not have the anti-pathogenic microorganism's function.in 1952, had discovered in the steam distillation obtained cordate houttuynia volatile oil one kind has the antibiotic activity material, latter is determined for decanoyl acetaldehyde [1]. Because the decanoyl acetaldehyde not only does not dissolve in the water, moreover is unstable; Transforms frequently for both has certain water-solubility and to be stable, moreover antibiotic activity invariable “decanoyl acetaldehyde sulfite” use, also calls the synthesis cordate houttuynia element; The synthesis cordate houttuynia element's biological activity and the cordate houttuynia element is completely same. Synthesis cordate houttuynia element (CH3(CH2)8COCH)CH(OH)SO3Na, MW 302.36, English name Sodium Houttuyfonate, is called HOU) is from the color scaled or the acicular knot powder, can dissolve in the water, easy to dissolve in the ethyl alcohol, has the special fish stench. The synthesis cordate houttuynia element (2005 edition) is called as in "the People's Republic of China Pharmacopoeia" the cordate houttuynia element sodium, mainly treats as the antibiotic to treat each kind to infect [2]. The decanoyl acetaldehyde is very low in cordate houttuynia content, the 70's have realized the decanoyl acetaldehyde sodium sulfite synthesized, afterwards have realized the new cordate houttuynia element synthesis.The new cordate houttuynia element and the cordate houttuynia element function is similar.
第2个回答  2008-01-02

The cordate houttuynia main effective component is the cordate houttuynia element, its chemistry name is the decanoyl acetaldehyde. in 1921 in overseas report cordate houttuynia including decyl aldehyde (Capric aldehyde), lauric aldehyde (Lauric aldehyde) and armor methyl heptyl ketone (Methyl-n-nonylketone) and so on ingredients, but these compound do not have the anti-pathogenic microorganism's function. in 1952, had discovered in the steam distillation obtained cordate houttuynia volatile oil one kind has the antibiotic activity material, latter is determined for decanoyl acetaldehyde [1]. Because the decanoyl acetaldehyde not only does not dissolve in the water, moreover is unstable; Transforms frequently for both has certain water-solubility and to be stable, moreover antibiotic activity invariable “decanoyl acetaldehyde sulfite” use, also calls the synthesis cordate houttuynia element; The synthesis cordate houttuynia element's biological activity and the cordate houttuynia element is completely same. Synthesis cordate houttuynia element (CH3(CH2)8COCH)CH(OH)SO3Na, MW 302.36, English name Sodium Houttuyfonate, is called HOU) is from the color scaled or the acicular knot powder, can dissolve in the water, easy to dissolve in the ethyl alcohol, has the special fish stench. The synthesis cordate houttuynia element (2005 editions) is called as in "the People's Republic of China Pharmacopoeia" the cordate houttuynia element sodium, mainly treats as the antibiotic to treat each kind to infect [2]. The decanoyl acetaldehyde's is very low in cordate houttuynia content, in the 70s has realized the decanoyl acetaldehyde sodium sulfite synthesized, afterward has realized the new cordate houttuynia element synthesis. The new cordate houttuynia element and the cordate houttuynia element's function is similar.本回答被提问者采纳



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