急求 翻译


是岁,元嘉五年。灵运既东还,与族弟惠连、东海何长瑜、颍川荀雍、泰山羊 之,以文章赏会,共为山泽之游,时人谓之四友。惠连幼有才悟,而轻薄不为父文明所知。灵运去永嘉还始宁,时方明为会稽郡。灵运尝自始宁至会稽造方明,过视惠连,大相知赏。时长瑜教惠连读书,亦在郡内,灵运又以为绝伦,谓方明曰:“阿连才悟如此,而尊作常儿遇之。何长瑜当今仲宣③,而饴以下客之食。尊既不能礼贤,宜以长瑜还灵运。”灵运载之而去。

第1个回答  2012-06-10
TaiZu elementary (2) up, drafts for secretary of the prison, and then called not, so that the light FanTai doctor Paul and spirit, the book award of, is out of work. Make arrangement secret pavilion, the book and complete que du. Spirit is good luck and alone absolutely, that every article, the hand from writing, the emperor called a treasure. WangTan the, wang hua, YanJingRen, did not take over, and saw as encounter, the spirit meaning and uneven, says not to look more than a straight. Wear ChiZhi aid, kind of the bamboo tree pansy /, flooding and class right, no answer period degrees. The guo parade, or 167 miles a day, the ten-day don't return, no table smell it, and don't please hurry, do not want to hurt minister, the solution to mock decree. The spirit is the above Chen words, give false to the east.

Is years old, yuan jia five years. The spirit is the east, and even the east China sea, hui brother family HeChangYu, YingChuan XunYong, mount taishan sheep, to reward the article will ?


第2个回答  2012-06-19
第3个回答  2020-05-02



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