写一篇关于Is EQ more valuable than IQ话题的三人对话,在3到5分钟


第1个回答  2012-06-08
1. Is EQ more important than IQ?
I think EQ is more important than IQ for the success of a student in this world.
EQ is a measure of your ability to notice and then manage your interior and exterior feelings and then control your reactions. Your mood will always control your ability to resolve problems making this an important skill to develop and use. Using a well developed EQ will help you manage your emotions.
Necessary social skills that a student needs are associated with high levels of EQ. If a student does not develop the EQ skills he or she will be left in a situation of having the intelligence to functionally work or play but not have the emotional skills to successfully work or play, thus limiting their potential future. They may have received good grades on tests in school classes but without a working high level of EQ they are unable to function as adult people in an adult world.
Most large US businesses now screen any potential employees using some form of EQ test.
1. Overall impact on success.
It has been said that your IQ can land you a job but your lack of EQ can get you fired. Your IQ only accounts for 20% of your success in life. Your emotional intelligence and social intelligence are much greater determinants of the success you will achieve in life.
3. Our relationships with others
Our emotional skills have a direct and important bearing on our relationships with others. We need to understand our feelings, where they come from and how to properly express them. We will not maintain healthy relationships unless we can control our emotions, communicate our feelings in a constructive manner and understand the feelings of others.
4. Impact on our health
There is a direct connection between our emotional health and our physical health. If our lives are filled with stress, our physical health suffers. It has been estimated that well over 80% of our health problems are stress related. We experience stress primarily because we are not comfortable emotionally. We need to understand the link between our emotional health and our physical health.
5. The connection between poor EQ and rising crime
Unfortunately there is a direct connection between poor emotional skills and the rising crime rate. Children who have poor emotional skills become social outcast at a very young age. They might be the class bully because of a hot temper. They have learned to react with their fist rather than reason. Poor social and emotional skills contribute to poor attention in class and feelings of frustration. They rapidly fall behind and make friends with others in the same boat. There is a direct path to crime that starts early in life. While there is no doubt that family and environment are great contributors, the common thread is poor emotional and social skills. The direct result of poor training in emotional skills.
2. Do you know it’s good to be famous?Pros and Cons of the life of celebrity?
We all know that being famous is quite difficult,so I’ll take it if I have the opportunity to be famous.It is obvious that being famous can bring you many things.Firstly,celebrities have high status.Many people in this world want to be famous,so the ordinary people always look up to the celebrities.In addition,celebrities seem enjoy a lot of privileges.For example,they have access to some places while ordinary people cant’t go.And some businessmen sometimes provide the famous people for something valurable. Last but not the least, ,celebtities can always earn lots of money even without much effort,just because that the audience love them ,want to follow them.To sum up,I do think it’s good to be famous.
As far as I’m concerned,the pros of the famous people are covered just now.So I enphasis on the cons of the life of celebrity.You know,that the ordinary people are curious about the life of the celebrity.They want to know what she or he is doing,or what she or he like.So the journalists will keep seeking the traces of celebrity.Thus,their privacy is seriously disturbed.Also,people look up to celebrity,so they will follow him or her for doing something.If the celebrity behaved bad,it’ll have a bad impact on the fans.So celebrity have to mind his behavious all the time which take away the freedom of bahaviors at some extent.
3. Do you want to live alone or live with roommates?
I don’t like being alone,so I’d like to live with roommates.Well,not much,2 or 3 is perfect.
1.you can live with them so you won’t feel lonely,when you’re down,they’ll comfort you and in your daily life,you learn care each other.
2. you can learn how to get along well with others,because living together means that you have to control your emotion and well-behaved.which benefit you in your future.
3. sometimes they can help you get rid of a bad habbit or behavior.eg. when I’m alone I won’t have breakfast when I have nothing to do in the morning,but with my roommates I have changed this bad habbit.
So I’d like to live with rommates.
4. What are the ways you relieve your depression?(How to relieve depression?)
Actually I seldom become down in my daily life,well ,but when I’m depressed I’ll find ways to relieve because I don’t like the feeling of depression.
1. the first thing I choose to do is to sleep.And before sleep I’ll read a book which I have read it before.Because you know when sb. is depressed, he or she seldom get new things.And I will listen some beautiful songs I like while I am reading.Then when I get tired I go to sleep.
2. wondering in the street alone , and sometimes with a close friend,yes only one.Of course if I have enough money I would buy sth. I like.
3. And eating is also a solution.And I think many girls like to do it.But you kown that eating too much is bad for your health and you have a chance become fat.So I don’t always take it.
5. How the Internet change your life?
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It really changed my life a lot,I just can’t imagine what my life will be without Internet.
1. the method of commuication: The internet changed our ways of keeping in touch with friends.After entering the college many friends went to other provinces even other coutries.And we know that the traditional ways of communication are expensive---phones,and slow---letters,while internet is a cheap and convenient for friends to communicate.Also,internet provide a new way of “meeting” new people.We all know that OICQ,MSN and xiaonei and so on.Through this,I think we can make more friends all over the world.
2. about learning on the internet:we can find many data and thesis,benefit our study.
3. about entertainment:computer games,and latest movies.
4. about shopping on line:convinient
5. (bad impact):I used to go outside with my friends for entertainment,such as going for a picnic,wondering in the street, having sports,in fact I really don’t like sports so most of the time I was the spectator and seldom join them.After the internet come to my life,I become lazier,I don’t’t like going out. I rather spend my spare time surfing the internet,even though sometimes I just hang on it witht nothing to do.And now I have realised that what I have do is so bad for my life.So I am trying to avoid spend most of my spare time on internet.

6. Does the Internet bring people closer or more distant?

7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping on line?

8. Where does the person’s creativity come from?

9. What can teachers do to foster students’ creativity?

10. If you got 5 million yuan,how would you spend?



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