

第1个回答  2022-10-30
Summer people love pany,but only the pany of other summer people.One of their warrens in Westhampton alone acmodates 62 people (each summer person is guaranteed a bed every other weekend).When they sink semipermanent roots,and build a home of their own,guests are brought in from their western ranges to fill the house on a regular,rotating basis.
Summer people love fireworks.They particularly love fireworks when detonated at midnight - every midnight from early June through late July.
Summer people love driving fast.There are,evidently,no open country lanes in the west where a car can be tested as to maximum speed and endurance.Summer people also love the sound of the automobile horn and are quite skilled at its use.
Summer people love jogging,but are unfamiliar with modern sidewalks.They use the same country lanes as their automobiles for this purpose.
Summer people do not like clothing.Their attire consists chiefly of turquoise bikinis,suntan oil and gold jewelry.
Summer people love the beach.Winter people do not use the beaches during the summer unless it rains.Summer people go to the movies when it rains.Winter people only go to the movies to escape the summer sun.It would seem that both species have adapted to their environment quite well.
Summer people love eating out,particularly so when there is a long line outside a diner notorious for exorbitant prices.
Summer people love softball and tennis.It is indeed fortuitous that winter people do not choose to use school ballfields and tennis courts in summer.A confrontation would seem likely.Summer people hate winter people.Summer people hate laundry.One summer person has been known to ask a winter person to hang his clothesline in his front yard,out of the summer person's sight.Since they forswear clothing,they are repulsed by native laundry habits.
Summer people hate children,or at very least winter children.Summer children are tolerated and sent to play in a winter person's yard.Should a winter child wander into a summer person's yard,it is a transgression not easily overlooked.Often an incident occurs,and harsh words are exchanged.
Summer people love bicycles.As with jogging,they use their bicycles in the same lanes as their automobiles.Three abreast.They do not seem to recognize the sound of a winter person's horn.
Summer people claim to love shopping,but their true preference seems to be browsing.They fill the parking lots and shops of East End towns on any given day.They purchase cookies,ice-cream cones and suntan oil.On Sunday morning they purchase every extant copy of The New York Times east of Eastport before dawn.Interestingly enough,no summer person has ever been caught in the act of reading.



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