
1.如果你想在世界上有所成就,必须对自己和自己所做的事充满信心.(believe in)2.他正要告诉你这个魔术的秘密,突然有人拍他的肩膀。(when)3一个人的出生和长相并不重要,重要的是他或她长大后将成为什么样的人。(as...as)4。看上去画里的那位妇女好象在动。(as if)5.这种布料摸起来好象丝绸,洗起来很好洗。(like) 恩,就这5个句子,用括号里的关键词,不要翻错了哦,我看的出对与错的,往高3水平翻译,谢谢

第1个回答  2012-06-01
1. If you want to achieve something in this world, you need to believe in yourself as well as the things you do.
2. He was about to tell you the trick of the magic when someone tapped on his shoulder.
3. One's birth and appearance are not as important as the kind of person he is going to be in the future.
4. It seems as if the woman in the picture were moving.
5. The cloth feels like silk, and is easy to wash.

第2个回答  2012-06-01
1.If you want to be famous in the world,you must believe in either yourself or what you're doing.
2.Someone tapped his shoulder suddenly when he was about to tell you the secret of the magic.
3.One's identity and outlook are not as important as what kind of person it is when he or she grow up.
4.It looks like as if the woman of that picture is alive.
5.This kind of cloth feels like silk and it's easy to wash.




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