

第1个回答  2007-12-17
Click Movie review

As many of you know from some of my previous reviews, I am not a big Adam Sandler fan. In all his movies, he always has to beat the living daylights out of someone in them.
In Click, he does not fail to disappoint his fans.
With this out of the way, I can give you my review of the rest of the movie.
Sandler plays Michael Newman who’s goal in life is to succeed but at the cost of his family life.
He suddenly finds his life being in an overblown stage. So one night he travels to find so peace and quiet and encounters Morty placed by Christopher Walken.
Morty gives him a new remote but this remote is for life entertainment.
As Michael learns more about this device he learns to mute his sister in law or fast forward through parts of his life he doesn’t like.
As he uses it more he realizes that maybe this remote isn’t such a good thing after all.
He learns life’s most important lesson, which I will not reveal here.
Most of this movie is your typical Sandler comedy with a dash of drama included. What really made this movie great for me was Kate Beckinsale in boxer shorts and a muscle t-shirt A little eye candy is a good thing.
If you rent this movie, I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2007-12-17
A workaholic architect, who has been overlooking his family in favor of his career, comes across a universal remote that allows him to perform TiVo-like functions on his life, such as pausing events or fast-forwarding over them. When the remote begins creating its own memory and choosing what to fast-forward over, the man sees how much of his personal life has passed him by and realizes the importance of spending more time with his family.


第3个回答  2007-12-19



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