
大队文艺委员 团支部书记 副班长 团总支部大队组织干事 学生会秘书长

第1个回答  2007-12-08
副班长 指导、协调和管理班级活动工作。
团总支部大队组织干事:及时传送有关文件及组织部工作通知;收发信件、报刊、备用办公用品; 2、负责团员及组织部管理干部数据库的建设与维护
学生会秘书长第一条:受校党委委托,代表校团委指导学生会工作。 第二条:指导学生会的自身组织建设,帮助其依靠自己的章程定期召开代表大会和会议。 第三条:负责学生会工作的政治方向。 第四条:决定学生会的重大问题时,协助团委书记做好工作。Production brigade literary arts committee member organizes literary arts recreational activity youth corps cell secretary is “the platoon guide”, namely is responsible to the organization with the independent management work. The assistant squad leader instructs, the coordination and the management class and grade moves the work. The group main branch production brigade organizes the clerk: Prompt transmission related document and organization department work notice; Receiving and dispatching letter, publication, spare office supplies; 2nd, responsible member and organization department administrative cadre database construction and maintenance student association secretary generals first: Is entrusted the school party committee, instructs the student association work on behalf of school Youth Corps Committee. Second article: Instruction student association's own organization constructs, helps it to depend upon own regulation to hold the representative assembly and the conference regularly. Third article: Is responsible for the student association work the political direction. Fourth article: Decided when student association major issue, assists Youth Corps Committee secretary to complete the work.



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