
One plausible explanation for the formulation of the type of referential questions analyzed here lies in the stage of psychological development of these children, and the level of their knowledge of reality. In a number of works Piaget propounded that language is a logical consequence of the prior development of certain cognitive structures.They also realize that people do things with objects and that objects can be possessed and located in space. It therefore seems reasonable to expect that during the third year of life children' s referential questions will address these subjects which are the continuation of the knowledge constructed during the sensorimotor period - where an object is, what it does, what it is called, and who it belongs to.
Regulative questions aim to influence the behavior of the interlocutor, requesting help, guidance or permission to perform an action. They express an indirect request for action and their aim is to make the adult act or facilitate the action of the child, on the basis of the information that the adult provides. This type of question demonstrates again the importance of action in the initial phases of development. At the ages studied here, most of the activities that the children perform center on action and the manipulation of objects. However, the children present limitations due to their inexperience and age.
Socio-communicative questions differ from those that we have just examined since they arise in response to the course that the conversation takes. The origin of these questions is to be found then in the linguistic utterances of the speaker. These utterances cause surprise in the child because of the information that they contain, or incomprehension because of the choice of vocabulary, or, alternatively, may simply be inaudible. In all these cases the function of socio-communicative questions is to reestablish the communicative situation by clarification, repetition or confirmation of the utterance or word produced by the adult.
Questions form a part of the linguistic repertoire of children from a very early age. They reflect children' s cognitive and social development and have a markedly interpersonal nature, since the questions are addressed to the adult interlocutor. Questions perform a wide range of roles in the speech of children aged between two and three. They serve to obtain information about the surroundings (referential questions), act as indirect requests for action (regulative questions) and as indirect requests for objects (instrumental questions) and ask for clarification confirmation of an ambiguous or unclear message in the interests of continuation of the dialogue (socio-communicative questions).

第1个回答  2012-04-22
第2个回答  2012-04-21



第3个回答  2012-04-21




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