uass造句 uassの例文 "uass"是什麼意思


第1个回答  2022-11-12
Beyond flying, UASs follow a loose Ground Training syllabus.> The UASs are part of the Air Cadets.> UASs also arrange *** education and open education geared to maintain and upgrade petencies.> The UASs determine the admission criteria and arrange student selection and entrance examination at their discretion.> CBP selected the Predator B for its large payload and abity to remain in the air longer than other UASs .> AMO UASs began their service by supporting Border Patrol Agents and CBP Officers on the U . S . / Mexico border.> The requirement for Master's studies in UASs is a Bachelors'level UAS degree and at least three years of work experience.> A blue band on the white background is also used to denote officer cadets of the University Air Squadrons ( UASs ) who are receiving Bursaries from the Royal Air Force.> In the mid-1990s they were merged with co-located University Air Squadrons ( UASs ), the Chipmunks being replaced by the existing UAS Scottish Aviation Bulldog T . 1s.> By the end of Operation New Dawn in 2011, Hunters had flown more than 110, 000 hours, its battlefield success clearly showing the value of UASs in bat operations as a direct result.> It's difficult to see uass in a sentence. 用 uass 造句挺难的> The "'Ukrainian Association of Student Self-government "'(, abbreviated #  !  !  or UASS ) is a Ukrainian independent and democratic national students'union.> "' KB INDELA, Ltd . "'is a private Belarusian innovative pany, speciazing in development and production of unmanned aerial vehicles ( UAVs ) and multifunctional unmanned aircraft systems ( UASs ) of various designation.> As the UAS continues to move beyond its former role of providing Elementary Flying Training to RAF Direct Entry students and UAS Students, more and more ground training opportunities are being available, making the UASs more suitable for Officer Cadets pursuing careers in the mitary other than aircrew.> The union was estabshed in 1999 . UASS voluntarily brings together students unions, munity organizations, student clubs and scientific societies that operate in higher educational institutions in Ukraine, as well as some active students to protect the rights and representation interests of the Ukrainian student munity at the national and international levels.> At the next level of training there are university cadet forces University Officer Training Corps ( UOTCs ), of which there are 19 across the country, University Air Squadrons ( UASs ), of which there are 14, and University Royal Naval Units ( URNUs ), of which there are also 14.> Until 2005 the Tutor was used by UASs to provide EFT to university students, many sponsored by the RAF . From 2006, UAS students are no longer taught EFT, they follow an unassessed flying syllabus similar to EFT, but with only a 36 hour course and the possibity of progression to more advanced training on merit.> Until 2005 the Tutor was used by UASs to provide EFT to university students, many sponsored by the RAF . From 2006, UAS students are no longer taught EFT, they follow an unassessed flying syllabus similar to EFT, but with only a 36-hour course and the possibity of progression to more advanced training on merit.>




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