

第1个回答  2008-04-10
看是什么一起。如果说:我想和你在一起,就可以说:I want to be with you. ;如果说:我们一起去游泳(或其他),可以说:Let's do sth. 如果说:和谁谁一起,可以说: together with sb. 总之,“一起”有多种说法,可以根据自己所想表达的意思,选择一个哦~~呵呵~
第2个回答  2008-04-13
我给你举些例子, 这样会更好理解些(以下例句均引自词典):
They were never happy together. 他们在一起从来没快活过。
They were alone;so he could speak frankly. 他们单独在一起,因此他可以坦率讲话。
It has been so long since we were all together. 好久我们没有在一起团聚了。
He is with John at present. 目前他和约翰在一起。
I shared the food between (among) all my friends. 我把食物和所有朋友一起共享。
You are certain to be happy with them. 和他们在一起你一定会很愉快。
It is a great pleasure to work with you. 和你在一起工作是很愉快的事。
We spent a delightful weekend together. 我们在一起度过了一个愉快的周末。
We did our homework together. 我们一起做作业。
I’m going to have her live with us soon. 不久我将让她和我们一起住。
It’s nice to be sitting here with you. 现在和你坐在一起很好。
We used to play golf together. 我们过去常在一起打高尔夫球。
John spends his holiday with his people. 约翰和家人一起度假。
Oil and water will not mix. 油和水不会混在一起。
She stayed with us until the following afternoon. 她和我们待在一起直到第二天下午才走。
Diana Was with the children. 戴安娜和孩子们在一起。
He has been with us for ten years. 他和我们在一起已经十年了。
第3个回答  2008-04-16
如果直译就只有2种:1 together 2 let us
第4个回答  2008-04-01

第5个回答  2008-04-01



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