There are two tins of tomato sauce in the fridge对two tins of提问是用how much还是用 how many


第1个回答  2012-07-21
对two tins of提问是用how much。因为它作为一个整体,修饰tomato sauce(酱汁),而tomato sauce是不可数名词。问句是:
How much tomato sauce is there in the fridge?

如果是对two提问,就用how many了,因为two是修饰tins的。问句是:
How many tins of tomato sauce are there in the fridge?

如果是对two tins of tomato sauce提问,就用what来问,因为two tins of tomato sauce是一个整体,表示一样物品。问句是:
What is/are there in the fridge?

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第2个回答  2012-07-21
用how much,因为tomato sauce是不可数名词。划线部分是two时,才用how many。

第3个回答  2012-07-21
1 There are ____two tins of______ tomato sauce in the fridge
------ how much tomato sauce Is there in the fridge?

2 There are___two ___ tins of tomato sauce in the fridge
------ how many tins of tomato sauce are there in the fridge?

3 There are ________two tins of tomato sauce __________in the fridge
------- what is in the fridge?
第4个回答  2012-07-21
用how many,注意这边的tins是可数名词复数哦~ 如果对tomato sauce提问就是how much了
第5个回答  2012-07-21
用how many ,因为tin是可数名词。



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