

第1个回答  2012-07-20
考试急用,再给我翻译一便!! 谢谢 还有这样要的吗?分也没有!晕!自己找把!
第2个回答  2012-07-20
第3个回答  2012-07-30
" The juvenile " main told reporters -- Xie Jie heart with a number of juvenile offenders to aunt " juvenile delinquents " days of what one sees and hears. As for the aunt said: these days look very plain, boring, but it gives us great. Indeed, in the " juvenile delinquents " event is unbelievable, there are good and bad: stubborn personality, have a high opinion of oneself make trouble out of nothing, just because of that family to give up and swallowed two scissors! Did not expect, such a boy and he also has a love heart, if his parents love, words, just will not swallow the two pairs of scissors, love can create miracles! Other "juvenile " have different grades, the most gratifying is among them, with their own efforts to learn English, admitted to the university! From a juvenile to a college student needs to how much energy! Has its own energy, but not the captain, hard to cultivate love, can have the result today? Love can create miracles!
In December 26, 2004 India ocean happened a tsunami, but also a real example. On that day, it is nature of human made a nightmare, about one hundred thousand people belong to the sea, millions of people homeless. Indonesia badly hurt the most serious, but China is no more terrible injuries, or a batch goods destined for the " refugee camp ". Why? Because the victims are in need of love!
There are also many things happened around us, we should go to the love, lets the difficult people feel: love can create miracles!



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