
Manifolds come in two basic types. One is a single—piece design which supports all necessary valving and contains all the passages for an entire system. The other is the modular—block design. Each modular block usually supports only one valve and contains internal passages for that valve’s functions as well as flow—through provisions. It normally is connected to a series of similar modular blocks to make up a complete system.
Both types have their advantages. Which is best suited for your system will depend on a variety of actors, such as application, specific function, cost, space, and system longevity.
Some manifold manufacturers supply only manifolds; others provide manifolds that go only with their valves; still others supply manifolds and valves, but are willing to sell you their manifold and permit you to select valves of your choice. As more valves are built with standard mounting patterns, interchangeability becomes feasible for more and more systems.
Single—piece manifolds
These are available in two basic designs: laminar and drilled metal block.
Laminar design—in a laminar—type manifold, several layers of metal have appropriate passages machined or milled through them. These plates, usually steel, are stacked or sandwiched with the various fluid paths determined by the shape of the overlapping passages. Solid—metal end piece are added, and the whole stack is brazed together.
Because the internal passages can be cut in contoured shapes and as large as necessary, nearly any flow rate can be accommodated with virtually no pressure drop. Because the stack is brazed together, these manifolds can handle pressures to 10,1000psi, and there is no limit to the number or size of the valves which can be mounted on the manifold.
Laminar manifolds are custom—designed. Valves and other connections can be located where appropriate for a specific application. But because of the permanently shaped flow passages and brazed construction, this type of manifold cannot be modified easily if future circuit changes because necessary.
Drilled metal—block design—drilled metal block manifolds also can be custom—designed for specific applications. Usually made form a slab of steel, aluminum, or cast iron, the blocks are drilled to provide flow passages for design requirements. This network of drilled passages also enables you to locate valves as desired, with some limitations because the drilled passages must be straight.
Other drilled—block manifolds accept cartridge valves into cavities drilled into the manifold surface. Interconnecting flow passages travel through the manifold from the valve cavities. Some cartridge valves have threaded bodies that hold them in threaded cavities; others slip into smooth cavities where they are retained by plates on the manifold surface.
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第1个回答  2007-04-25
复印本受到在二基本类型中的影响。 一是支援所有的必需给~装阀门,而且为一个整个的系统包含所有的通道单一块设计。 另一个是单位体- 区段的设计。 每个模组的区段通常只支援一为活瓣的功能和流程- 经过的准备给~装阀门而且包含内在的通道。 资讯科技正常地被连接到一系列的相似模组的区段组成一个完全的系统。
一些多种的制造业者供应唯一的复印本; 其它提供只与他们的活瓣搭配的复印本;但是其它供应复印本和活瓣, 但是愿意卖你他们的复印本而且允许你选择你的选择活瓣。 如较多的活瓣与标准的架设式样一起建造,可互换性为越来越多的系统变成能实行的。
这些是可得的在二基本设计中: laminar 而且训练金属制的区段。
Laminar 设计-在一个 laminar- 类型的复印本中,金属的一些层已经充用经过他们被以机器制造或磨细的通道。这些碟子,通常坚如钢,与各种不同的液体被交叠处理通道的形状决定的路径一起堆积或插入。 固体- 金属结束块被增加,而且整个的堆叠一起是 brazed 。
因为内在的通道能被插入画轮廓的形状,而且如大的如必需的,几乎任何的流程率能与事实上没有压力下降一起适应。 因为堆叠一起是 brazed,这些复印本能处理压力到 10,1000个希腊文字母的第 23 字, 而且没有对数字或能在复印本上被展开的活瓣大小的界限。
Laminar 复印本是订制的-设计。 活瓣和其他的连接能被位于哪里为一个特定的申请充用。但是因为长备地成形的流程通道和 brazed 建筑,如果未来线路改变,复印本的这一个类型不能够被容易地修正因为必需的。
也训练了金属- 区段设计训练的金属制的区段复印本可能是习惯-为特定的申请设计。 通常做形成钢,铝或铸铁的平板,区段被训练提供流程通道给设计需求。 训练的通道这一个网络也使你能够当做需要位于活瓣,藉由一些限制因为被训练的通道一定是直线。
其他的训练-区段复印本接受弹药筒活瓣进进入多种的表面之内被训练的洞之内。 互相连接流程通道旅行过来自活瓣洞的复印本。 一些弹药筒活瓣已经穿线于在穿线于的洞中捉住他们的身体; 其它进入他们被在多种的表面上的碟子保有的平滑洞之内滑倒。



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