
1.周末我们俩去农场好吗?(what about)
3.老师发现他正在洗手间里抽烟。(find sb,doing sth.)
4.地震后,药物和食品从四面八方送到汶川。(on all sides)
5.我不确信该怎么办,所以我不得不向你求救。(turn to sb.for help)
6.这个队由9名队员组成。(be made up of )
7.毫无疑问,他能在星期五之前完成任务。(without doubt)
8.既然每个人都清楚,再讨论这个问题就没有意义了。(there is no point)
10.带上雨伞,以防下雨。(in case)

第1个回答  2011-03-21
1 What about we two going to the farm this weekend?
2 A good journalist knows how to relate his articles to the readers.
3 The teacher found him smoking in the bathroom.
4 After the earthquake, foods and medicines were sent to Wenchuan on all sides.
5 I am not sure how to do, so I have to turn to you for help.
6 This team is made up of 9 members.
7 It is without doubt that he will complete the task before Friday.
8 There no point in disscussing this problem since everyone is clear about it.(额,明明是there is no point in doing sth. 句型,表做某事木有任何意义)
9 The teachers have great influence on their students. (have influence on sb 或者 have an effect on sb)
10 Take the umbrella with you in case it rains. (in case 后可以接从句,就是in case it rains, 如果用in case of,后面就接名词,可以说in case of rain)
第2个回答  2011-03-21
1 What about going to the farm with me this weekend?
2 A good journalist knows how to relate his own articles to the readers.
3 The teacher found / find him smoking in the bathroom.
4 After the earthquake, foods and medicines on all sides came to Wenchuan.
5 I am not sure how to do, so I have to turn to you for help.
6 This team is made up of 9 members.
7 He can finish the mission before friday without doubt.
8 There no point to disscuss this problem if everyone is clear.
9 The teachers have great influences to their students.
10 Bring the umbrella in case of rain.
第3个回答  2011-03-21
1.What about going to the farm together tomorrow?
2.A good journalist should know how to relate his compisition to the readers.
3.The teacher found him smoking in the washroom.
4.After the earthquake,medicines and food on all sides are sent to wenchun.
5.I'm not sure what to do,so I have to turn to you for help.
6.This team is made up of nine members.
7.Without doubt,he can finish the task before Friday .
8.Since everyone konws it,there is no point in discussing the question.
9.Teachers have great influence to students.
10.Take the umbrella in case it rains.
希望对你有帮助~不过还是要认真听课哦 虽然这么说觉得很像说教 不过学好英语真的很重要哦~
第4个回答  2011-03-21
1. Weekend we both went farm?
2. A good journalist knows how to put his article linked with readers.
3. The teacher found that he was smoking in the bathroom.
4. After the earthquake struck, drug and food from all directions to wenchuan.
5. I'm not sure what to do, so I had to ask you for help.
6. The team composed of nine players.
7. There is no doubt that he can complete the task before Friday.
8. Now that everyone knew and discuss this problem is no sense.
9. Teacher to student have a big impact.
10. Take your umbrella, in case it rains.
第5个回答  2011-03-21
what about going to the farm on the weekend
a good report knows how to relate his passages to the readers
the teacher found him somking in the washroom
after the earthquake, medicine and food on all sides were brought to wenchuan
i am not suir how to do it so i turn to you for help
this team is made up of nine players
without doubt , he can finish it before Friday
since everyone is clear , there is no point to talk about this question
teachers have a large influence on students
take the umbrella with you , in case it rains



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