it's a fine sunday moming.There're many people in the pank.There are piaying.

it's a fine sunday moming.There're many people in the pank.There are piaying.LOOK !two boys ----(play)with yo-yos.A girl -----(fly) a kite.Two children -----(mend) a toy boat.There ----(be) a lake in the park.near the lake,a young man -----(run). there ----(be) two men near the house.They ----(be)now.A woman ---------(water) the flower.A girl -----(draw).
Look at the big tree.two cats -----(run) up the tree.what do they want to do?they want --------(catch) the bird.All of them are very happy.

第1个回答  2011-04-06
it's a fine sunday moming.There're many people in the pank.There are piaying.LOOK !two boys are playing with yo-yos.A girl is flying a kite.Two children are mending a toy boat.There is a lake in the park.near the lake,a young man is running.there are two men near the house.They are being now.A woman is watering the flower.A girl is drawing.
Look at the big tree.two cats are running up the tree.what do they want to do?they want to catching the bird.All of them are very happy.
第2个回答  2011-04-06
are playing
is flying
are mending
is running
is watering
is drawing

are running
to catch本回答被提问者采纳




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