

第1个回答  2022-05-21

谜语同样是小朋友学习英语的途经之一,作为小学高年级的课堂warm up也不错!如果孩子在上Phonics课,老师和家长可以把它作为一种辅助游戏,让孩子练习单词认读,顺便猜一猜,也还挺乐的。给大家安利一些我喜欢的儿童英语谜语吧~


What animal wears big black glasses on its face?什么动物脸上戴个大墨镜? (Panda 熊猫)

a cat,eyes like a cat,a tail like a cat ,but isn’t a cat?眼睛尾巴像只猫,但又不是猫?(Tiger 老虎)

I look like a horse ,but my body is covered by black and white stripes. (斑马/zebra)

I can run very quickly. I have antlers(鹿角)on my head. (鹿/deer)

I look like a dog. But people and animals are all afraid of me, because I like eating them. (狼/wlof)

I am not a fish but look like a large fish and live in the sea.I am a warm-blood mammal.(热血哺乳运动) (海豚/dolphin)

I am an animal kept by farmers to produce milk. (奶牛/cow)

I am known for my cleverness and cunning.(狡猾) (狐狸/fox)

I have a very long neck and legs.I can eat the leaves on top of the tree. (长颈鹿/giraffe)

It’ lives in (forest) It likes eat (insect) It’s (small) It has (short) legs It can flyIt’s (white) It’s very (cute)

它生活在森林里,它喜欢吃虫子,它很小,它长着短小的腿,它会飞,它是白色的,它很可爱。 (小鸟)



1. What letter is a part of the head?

2. Which letter makes her hear?

3. Which four letters is the thief afraid of?

4. What part of a clock is always old?

5. What is white when it is dirty?

6. I jump into the water, what do I do?

7. What person tried to make you smile most of the time?

8. What is dark but made by light?

9. Why is six afraid of seven?

10. Why do lions eat raw meat?

11. I know a word of letters three. Add two, and fewer there will be.

12. What animal eats with its tail?

13. I have a tree in my hand.What kind of tree is it?

14. What fruit is never found singly?

15. What changes a pear into a pearl?

16. What question can never be answered by Yes?

17. When do 2 and 2 make more than 4?

18. I have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, rivers without water. What am I?

19. I am something that has teeth but cant eat. What am I?

20. What is the smallest room in the world?

21. What kind of dog doesnt bite or bark?

22. What is the only thing you can break when you say its name?


1.I (eye)


3.O I C U (Oh, I see you).




7.A photographer

8.A shadow

9.Because seven eight nine.

10.Because they never learn to cook.


12.All animals do. No one takes off its tail while eating.

13.Its a palm.

14.pear梨,音似 pair,一对

15.the letter “l”

16.Are you asleep?

17.When they make 22.

18.A map

19.A comb


21.Hot dog




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