

第1个回答  2022-07-14

        低阶思维与高阶思维是依据美国当代著名教育家和心理学家本杰明·布鲁姆“认知层级”划分的,分为“记忆”“理解”“应用”“分析”“评价”和“创新”六个层次。  记忆(Remembering):是针对具体知识,识别(分辨)文本事实,重现或提取重要内容、细节知识。有关识记方面的问题,读者很容易从文中找到答案。 英语教学中的“阅读理解”题目,如“what”“when”“where”“who”多属于指向具体信息、考查记忆的问题。  理解(Understanding):在明确事实性知识基础上,解释意义,比较差异,推断说明,概括总结,分类整理,举例阐释等。  指向“how”“why”问题的解释,即旨在考查读者的初步理解。如:How could you say that in your own words?  应用(Appling):结合所学概念、语法,能根据范式应用,是机械套用执行,而不是在分析的基础上综合运用知识。  在英语课上,学生学习新句型之后的对话模仿练习,或套用语法结构练习等都属于偏向语言知识的机械应用。  分析(Anlayzing):梳理材料各要素之间的关系,明确材料组织结构、归因后的新观点。  评价(evaluating):凭借理性,综合较为完善的信息,有理有据地做出评判。  创造(Creating):在理解分析的基础上,对材料做庖丁解牛式解读,与先前经验融合,形成新经验,迁移到自己的实践中,特色表达,创造性解决问题。  英语学习中的“读后仿写”“读后续写”等,就属于这个阶层的认知,是高层次要求。  由以上认知层次概念可知,任何一个高阶认知,需要在低阶认知的基础上形成。因此,课堂上的问题,也必须是由浅入深,逐渐从低阶上升到高阶。在没有对事实性知识了解的基础上,你不可能做出分析、评判,更不可能创新使用。 就像登台阶一样,学习从低阶向高阶的发展,是层阶递进的;又像爬山一样,有时又需蜿蜒盘旋。低阶思维与高阶思维相融互促  如何让学生在低阶认知中培养高阶认知?通过以下一组问题,大家会发现“提问”的技巧:指向标题的问题:What is the title of this text?(具体直接的答案)What does the title tell you?(相比上一个问题,稍有难度——学生需要思考后才能回答)If you rewrote the title, which adjective(verb/noun)would you replace?指向作者的问题:Who is the author?Have you ever read other books written by this author?In what way will you use the author’s writing stytle in your writing?指向内容的问题:Where and when do you think this story take place?What do you think will happen in this book?What makes you think so?Does the story relate to you ?And how?指向批判性思维(高阶)的导向性问题:以“读后”环节的提问为例:What do you think of your prediction?Was it right or missing something?What do you think of the characters behavior/decision?How do you feel about the ending?If you were the author,how could you like to end?How to use just one sentence to sum rise the theme of the story?Which character do you like most? And why?Which parts of the story would you like to change?  由以上举例可知,在提出问题时,可以一步步地从具体走向抽象,从低阶迈向高阶。提出适当的“好”问题,促进学习真实发生。  同理,指向高阶认知的问题,也可以结合学情,以低阶思维的形式提问,实现“从低阶认知进,高阶认知出”的教学目标。What is happening on this page?What does…mean here?What do you think of the end of the story ?How could you feel if you were the character?If you were the writer, what title would you like?

    Is there a conflict in the story?What is it?

How was the conflict(冲突) solved?

How does the story start?

What happened in the middle?

How does the story end?

What is the article about?

Who is telling the story?

What is the genre of the article?

What is the lesson or moral of the article?

What is the main character's characters?

What did the author give the title of the article like this?

What is the purpose of the author writing the article?

How did you make a prediction of the plot?

In what way did you perceive the background?

How are the characters alike?




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