dear mr. president--pink 歌词大意


第1个回答  2012-04-04
Dear Mr. President,敬爱的总统先生

Come take a walk with me. 让我们一起散个步吧

Let's pretend we're just two people and 让我们假设 我们只是两个普通人并且
You're not better than me. 我们地位平等
I'd like to ask you some questions if we can speak honestly.
我想请教您一些问题 如果我们彼此能以诚相待

What do you feel when you see all the homeless on the street
当您看到无家可归的人在街上流浪时 您心里是何等滋味?

Who do you pray for at night before you go to sleep

What do you feel when you look in the mirror
当您面对着镜子中的自己 心里又是何等滋味
Are you proud

How do you sleep while the rest of us cry

How do you dream when a mother has no chance to say goodbye
在一个母亲可能连再见都来不及对自己的孩子说时 您又怎能享受着美梦

How do you walk with your head held high
是什么 让您这样昂首挺胸地走着

Can you even look me in the eye

And tell me why

Dear Mr. President,

Were you a lonely boy

Are you a lonely boy?

Are you a lonely boy?

How can you say
No child is left behind
We're not dumb and we're not blind.


They're all sitting in your cells


While you pave the road to hell.

What kind of father would take his own daughter's rights away


And what kind of father might hate his own daughter if she were gay

又是什么样的父亲 因为自己的女儿可能有同性恋倾向 就对她充满憎恨

I can only imagine what the first lady has to say

我不禁能想象出 总统夫人会不得不做出怎样的回答

You've come a long way from whiskey and cocaine.

您从威士忌和可卡因中远道而来 带领国家取得很大进展

Let me tell you 'bout hard work

让我向您讲述 您所谓的"努力工作"

Minimum wage with a baby on the way
让有着即将要出生的孩子的家庭 拿最单薄的工资

Let me tell you 'bout hard work

让我向您讲述 您口中的努力工作

Rebuilding your house after the bombs took them away、
在您的的家园被爆弹轰塌后 忙着将房屋重建

Let me tell you 'bout hard work

让我向您讲述 您是如何努力工作
Building a bed out of a cardboard box

创造着纸箱铺成的床铺 (让更多的人无家可归)

Let me tell you 'bout hard work

Hard work
Hard work
You don't know nothing 'bout hard work

Hard work
Hard work

How do you sleep at night

How do you walk with your head held high

Dear Mr. President,我敬爱的总统先生

You'd never take a walk with me.
Would you?
第2个回答  2007-02-14
Spice Girls
The Lady Is A Vamp
Elvis was a coola shaker
Marley, Ziggy, Melody Makers
She's a Bond babe, kick some ass
Doctor No this girl's got class
Charlie's Angels, girls on top
Handbags, heels their pistols rocked [harmony]
"Baby Love" a soul glam queen
Sing the blues "A Love Supreme"
Sixties Twiggy set the pace
Way back then she had the face [harmony]
That's all in the past, legends built to last
But she's got something new
She's a power girl in a nineties world
And she knows just what to do
Cos the lady is a vamp
She's a vixen not a tramp
She's a da da da da da da da
Come on fellows raise your bets
Cos you ain't seen nothing yet
She's the top of the top she's the best, yes
Jackie O, we loved her so
Sorry Mr. President As far as we know
Norma Jean had a "Seven Year Itch"
"Some Like It Hot" to a fever pitch [harmony]
Sandy, Danny, summer love
Pink Ladies, T-birds, the moon above [harmony]
That's all in the past, legends built to last
But she's got somethin' new
She's a power girl in a nineties world
She's a downtown swingin' dude
Cos the lady is a vamp
She's a vixen not a tramp
She's a da da da da da da da
Come on fellows raise your bets
Cos you ain't seen nothin' yet
She's the top of the top she's the best, yes
Scary, Baby, Ginger, Posh
Sporty yes now that's your lot
We're the Spice Girls ready to go
Ladies and Gents'
Can you please take your seats
And we hope that you enjoy the show
Thank you very much

这位女孩是普通话的香料是猫王coola筛起舞,Ziggy, 旋律庄家她的宝贝债券,揭开了一些愚蠢的医生没有这个女孩的阶级得到查理的天使>、 女生上手提包 跟着他们短枪轰动[和谐]"爱情婴儿"灵魂伊博士女王唱衰"爱最高"枝状60集 然后她回到步伐脸和谐]都已成过去, 但她最后传奇建成丢下她新的世界强国的女孩,她也知道了90 这位主管到底做了普通话是她的一个狐仙,她不是一个不定期的一大大 大大大大大提高学员来贵投注产地来源证你不是没有见过她的顶 她的最高的最好的,是济澳 我们喜欢这样对不起她先生,据我们所知假面让有"七年之痒""有些 喜欢热"发烧沙质草地〔和谐〕、许永辉、粉红夏天爱小姐笔-鸟 月球以上[和谐],都已成过去, 去年建成的传说,不过她得somethin'她新的世界强国的女孩,她在90个市中心 swingin'多德产地来源证小姐是普通话她是狐仙不是她不定期的一大大大大 大大大提高学员来投注产地来源证你不是你见过nothin'但她在高高的 除了她的最好的,是惊弓之鸟,婴儿,生姜 美化潇洒不错,现在你就要大量的香料女孩如箭在弦各位胶质'你可 你希望你的座位和欣赏表演非常感谢你



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