
题目:假如你的朋友 李明 将应邀参加美国朋友的家庭聚会,但他不了解西方礼仪,向你发来电子邮件求助,请根据以下提示回复他(1带上礼品,一瓶酒或巧克力2准时到达或稍微提前3称赞主人的饭菜4饭后不要逗留太长时间5离开时感谢主人) 文章给的开头是:DearLiMing Glad to receive your email . (80词左右)

第1个回答  2014-02-20
Dear Li Ming
Glad tn receive your email.I am writing to tell you someting about the western customs.Firstly,when you go to the home party,you should take some presents with you,it can be some chocolate or a bottle of wine.The second,you must get there on time,or you can be a little earlier.The third,if you take praise of the foods of the host. Furthermore,you should not saty too long after the dinner.At last,before you leave,you should show your thanks to the host again.Hoping you can enjoy yourself at the party and share it with me!Yours,
第2个回答  2014-02-20
Dear Li Ming,
Glad to receive your email. For your questions, I have following suggestions: First bring some gift such as a bottle of wine and chocolate. Second you should arrive on time. Third say something good about the dishes.After dinner don't stay too long. When leaving thanks the host again.本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2014-02-20
Bring a bottle of wine, arrive on time! Eat the food praise master! Stay after the meal time not too long! Thank you when the master!



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