圣诞节的由来英文中文 简短一点


第1个回答  2012-12-24
以后,12.25为圣诞节。 12.28为复活节。
第2个回答  2010-12-19
12月25日,是基督教徒纪念耶稣诞生的日子,称为圣诞节。西方人以红、绿、白三色为圣诞色,圣诞节来临时家家户户都要用圣诞色来装饰。红色与白色相映成趣的是圣诞老人,他是圣诞节活动中最受欢迎的人物。西方儿童在圣诞夜临睡之前,要在壁炉前或枕头旁放上一只袜子,等候圣诞老人在他们入睡后把礼物 放在袜子内。
第3个回答  2012-12-09

Christmas also referred to as Christmas Day or Christmastide, is an annual holiday celebrated on December 25 that marks and honors the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. His birth, which is the basis for the Anno Domini system of dating, has been determined by modern historians as having occurred between 7 and 2 BC. The date of celebration is not thought to be Jesus' actual date of birth, and may have been chosen to coincide with ancient Roman solar festivals that were held on December 25.
第4个回答  2012-12-24

Christmas also referred to as Christmas Day or Christmastide, is an annual holiday celebrated on December 25 that marks and honors the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. His birth, which is the basis for the Anno Domini system of dating, has been determined by modern historians as having occurred between 7 and 2 BC. The date of celebration is not thought to be Jesus' actual date of birth, and may have been chosen to coincide with ancient Roman solar festivals that were held on December 25.
第5个回答  2012-12-09
December 25 is christians commemorate the birth of Jesus day,
As Christmas.
Westerners with red, green and white three color for Christmas color,
Christmas comes every family with Christmas colors to decorate.
Red and white set each other off becomes an interest is Santa Claus,
He is Christmas activities the most popular figure.
Western children on Christmas Eve before going to sleep,
In front of the fireplace or pillow side put a sock.
Waiting for Santa Claus to fall asleep to put presents in the stockings.



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