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我的名字是XX。我是一名正就读于Foothill College的国际学生,我来自中国。
2010年的11月29日早上9点半,我在El Monte Rd的Median Pathway上被一名警察拦下且开了罚单。原因是我在median pathway 上骑车,违反了一条相关的交通规定——“Bicyclists must walk with bicycles in Median Pathway”。
在我第二次来到Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara想要交罚款的时候,工作人员告知我,罚金是220美金。美金220元对于我来说是个不小的数目,所以这次我上来到这个法庭的目的是想恳请法官大人减轻罚款的额度。
我承认违法了交通规则,而且我不应该违反交通规则。但是作为一名国际学生,来到美国念书已经要花很多钱, 220元对于我来说确实有点贵。第一,作为一名国际学生,Foothill College每个学期要交的学费对于我来说是笔不小的数目。(请看第一张paper,上面显示的是我在Foothill College的2010年的秋季学期和2011年的冬季学期的学费资料。)第二, 根据我平常的生活开销,每个月除了交房租600美金,其他的花费是每个月平均是美金90元。美金220元可以让我支付大约两个月的生活费(除了房租)。一个月的公车月票是美金70元,我是为了省钱,才花100块买自行车。第三,身为一名国际学生,根据规定,我只能在校园内打工。但是,我现在没有工作,这就意味着我只能通过父母的金钱资助来生活并且我每个月的平均的生活费其实不多。 第四,因为从El Monte Rd和Junipero Serra Freeway到 El Monte Rd和Foothill College的那段路上没有明确的自行车图案的标示,并且我每天都看到有人骑在Median Pathway上,刚买自行车一个星期的我也就骑上去了,我很后悔我没有注意到写有“Bicyclists must walk with bicycles in Median Pathway” 的告示牌。

第1个回答  2010-12-06
Dear reverend judge:


My name is XX. I am a are enrolled in Foothill college.i international students, I am from China.

By 2010, 29 November morning 9:30, I at El Monte Rd Pathway of Median on a policeman pulled and opened the ticket. The reason is that my bike, median pathway in violation of a relevant traffic regulations -- "walk into account all Bicyclists bicycles in median pathway".

In the second time I came to Superior of County of California, Santa Clara want pay of fines, staff told me, fine is $220. Us $220 yuan for me is a considerable number, so this time I came to this court's purpose is to reduce 3m reverend judge fined quotas.

I admit the illegal traffic rules, and I should not violate the traffic rules. But as an international student, came to study in the United States have to spend a lot of money, 220 yuan for me it was expensive. First, as an international student, Foothill college.i each semester should pay tuition fees for me is a big number. (see the first piece for showing of is me in Foothill college.i 2010 of the fall semester and 2011 winter semester tuition material). Second, according to my usual living expenses, except for the rent every month $600, other cost is the monthly average is $90 yuan. Us $220 yuan can let me pay about two months living expenses (except the rent). A month of bus commutation ticket is $70 yuan, I is to save money, just spend 100 pieces of buying a bicycle. Third, as an international student, according to the regulation, I can only work on campus. However, I don't have a job, which means that I only by parents' money to live my life and I funded by the average living expenses of every month actually much. Fourth, because from El Monte Rd and Junipero Serra Freeway to El Monte Rd and Foothill college.i the passage of the road without clear pattern of labeling, and bicycle every day I saw someone riding on the Median Pathway, just buy a bike a week I would ride to go up, I regret that I didn't notice that says "walk into account all Bicyclists bicycles in Median Pathway" sign.

Please read your honor in my first offence and admit attitude good's sake, reduce fine quotas. I guarantee future will be more attention and obey traffic rules.


第2个回答  2010-12-05


Dear reverend judge:


My name is XX. I am a are enrolled in Foothill college.i international students, I am from China.

By 2010, 29 November morning 9:30, I at El Monte Rd Pathway of Median on a policeman pulled and opened the ticket. The reason is that my bike, median pathway in violation of a relevant traffic regulations -- "walk into account all Bicyclists bicycles in median pathway".

In the second time I came to Superior of County of California, Santa Clara want pay of fines, staff told me, fine is $220. Us $220 yuan for me is a considerable number, so this time I came to this court's purpose is to reduce 3m reverend judge fined quotas.

I admit the illegal traffic rules, and I should not violate the traffic rules. But as an international student, came to study in the United States have to spend a lot of money, 220 yuan for me it was expensive. First, as an international student, Foothill college.i each semester should pay tuition fees for me is a big number. (see the first piece for showing of is me in Foothill college.i 2010 of the fall semester and 2011 winter semester tuition material). Second, according to my usual living expenses, except for the rent every month $600, other cost is the monthly average is $90 yuan. Us $220 yuan can let me pay about two months living expenses (except the rent). A month of bus commutation ticket is $70 yuan, I is to save money, just spend 100 pieces of buying a bicycle. Third, as an international student, according to the regulation, I can only work on campus. However, I don't have a job, which means that I only by parents' money to live my life and I funded by the average living expenses of every month actually much. Fourth, because from El Monte Rd and Junipero Serra Freeway to El Monte Rd and Foothill college.i the passage of the road without clear pattern of labeling, and bicycle every day I saw someone riding on the Median Pathway, just buy a bike a week I would ride to go up, I regret that I didn't notice that says "walk into account all Bicyclists bicycles in Median Pathway" sign.

Please read your honor in my first offence and admit attitude good's sake, reduce fine quotas. I guarantee future will be more attention and obey traffic rules.



On December 5, 2010本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第3个回答  2010-12-11
1楼翻译机太明显了吧。。。 我楼下这白痴用翻译机以为人都不知道。。大学要是都这水平去死好了。语法还没初中生好。楼主在外留学,难道还看不出是不是翻译机。。。



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