急~要做一份 5min既英文presentation请帮忙~


第1个回答  2022-10-15



To all you 泥水佬 out there please listen up! Heree are some safety rules I want you to take note and ply to : One
all work equipement provided to you must be maintain in good working condition. If anyone of you find your safety helmet does not e with a chin stripe or your safety belt is too loose. Please go to the store after this breifing and exchange for new ones. Two
if you're handling chemicals e.g : container that has a skeleton head and a cross bone
you're to wear safety googles to protect the eye and it's your duty to draw this piece of item from the store.Three
in case of fire or any injuries or any emergency
you're to use the designated escape route (over there) and you're also reminded not to obstruct
eat or sleep at anytime on this escape route. First offender shall be kick on he butt and second will roll over by our 60 tonne road flattener. If you life isn't precious to you don't make other die because of you. Lastly
I want to tell you guys I'm on X'mas leave from now till next year so... don't disturb me or even call me
I'll be enjoying my second honey moon with my secret girlfriend in Bahamas. May may god bless all. Merry X'mas everyone.. Thank you! (lol)
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