
Swain指出, 虽然可理解的语言输人在语言习得中具有重要作用, 但学习者除了尽可能多地接受可理解的输人外, 还必须通过有意义的语言输出才能达到对目的语运用的准确性和流利性。输出在语言习得中具有重要作用: 输出能迫使学习者注意表达意义的语言形
式; 输出能推动学习者提高和扩展语法知识。只有当学习者受到推动时, 语言输出才有助于他们的语言习得。

第1个回答  2010-12-22
Developed by Merrill Swain, the comprehensible output (CO) hypothesis states that learning takes place when encountering a gap in the linguistic knowledge of the L2. By noticing this gap the learner becomes aware of it and might be able to modify his output so that he learns something new about the language [1] Although Swain does not claim that comprehensible output is solely responsible for all or even most language acquisition, she does claim that under some conditions, CO facilitates second language learning in ways that differ from and enhance input due to the mental processes connected with the production of language.[2] This hypothesis is closely related to the Noticing hypothesis. Swain defines three functions of output: 1. Noticing function: Learners encounter gaps between what they want to say and what they are able to say and so they notice what they do not know or only know partially in this language. 2. Hypothesis-testing function: When learners say something there is always a hypothesis underlying e.g. about grammar. By uttering sth. the learners test this hypothesis and receive feedback from an interlocutor. This feedback enables them, if necessary, to reprocess their hypothesis. 3. Metalinguistic function: Learners reflect about the language they learn and hereby the output enables them to control and internalize linguistic knowledge.[3]本回答被提问者采纳



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