false analogy定义及例子


第1个回答  2022-03-21
Description X has property Y. Z is like X. Z therefore has property Y.Use analogical comparisons to connect the item in question to another item that has desired characteristics. You can then claim that the first item has the desired property.Example People are like dogs. They respond best to clear discipline.This soap is like a dream. It lifts you up to a spiritual plane.A school is not so different from a business. It needs a clear competitive strategy that will lead to profitable growth。
Analogy is saying 'A is like B' and is a powerful way of explaining one thing in terms of another. Where it falls down is when A is assumed to be like B in all respects and any attribute or characteristic of B can be unequivocally attributed to A.In the false metaphor variant, the comparison is metaphoric. As analogies say 'A is like B', metaphors say 'A is B'。



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