英文翻译!!!急 急急急急急急急急急!!!1求各位大虾斑斑忙 十万火急!!!

内容摘要:财务比率分析是财务分析的一种重要方法,在实践中被广泛的应用。当前企业在进行财务分析时所使用的财务分析指标存在许多缺陷,很大程度上会影响财务分析的正确性,进而影响企业财务决策的正确性和公司战略。本文分析了比率分析法中常见的偿债能力分析、营运能力分析和盈利能力分析中几个重要财务指标存在的缺陷 ,并提出一些改进、完善的建议,增强财务比率的使用价值,提高信息使用者的决策效率。
关键字:财务分析 比率分析 财务指标 改进

第1个回答  2011-05-17
Content abstract: financial ratio analysis is one of the important financial analysis method in practice, widely application. The current enterprise in financial analysis by use of financial analysis index has many defects, to a great extent affect financial analysis is correct, then affects the correctness of enterprise financial decision-making and the company strategy. This paper analyzes the common ratio analysis debt-repaying ability analysis, operation ability analysis and profitability analysis of several important financial index defects, and puts forward some improvement, perfect recommendations, strengthen financial ratios, improve the use value of information users decision-making efficiency.
第2个回答  2011-05-17
Abstract: The important method is financial analysis in financial ratio analysis.in practice, they are widely used. Financial analysis of enterprises in the current use when there are many defects in financial analysis, will largely affect the accuracy of financial analysis, thereby affecting the accuracy of corporate financial decision-making and corporate strategy. This paper analyzes the common ratio analysis solvency analysis, business capability analysis and profitability in several key financial indicators of defects and made some improvements, and improve the proposal, and enhance the use value of financial ratios, improving use of information Who the decision-making efficiency.
Keywords: financial analysis ratio analysis of financial indicators improved
第3个回答  2011-05-17
Financial ratio analysis is an important method on financial analysis, they are widely used In practice. financial analysis index used in enterprises is not perfect currently will affect the accuracy of financial analysis.
Thereby affecting the accuracy of corporate financial decision-making and corporate strategy.
Above all, the article introduces several defects of key financial indicators of Financial Ratio Analysis like repayable ability of Enterprise's, operation capacity and analysis of profitability.
also put forward some of the suggestions to perfect the value of enhance financial ratios using and improve the efficiency of decision-making by information users.本回答被网友采纳



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