


[关键词]DNA生物传感器 DNA场效应管传感器

第1个回答  2007-05-21
The DNA living creature spread a feeling machine a research

This text spread the definition of feeling machine for the DNA living creature, development process, basic structure, classification and work principle of spread the research of feeling machine make progress to the DNA living creature and development trend, include new of the Qian match and carry body material and change ability the choose of machine use, electrode surface the structure be excellent to turn, research and application enter a repair to open widely and to miniaturization and automation commercialize a direction development to take into introduction.Combine emphasize introduction DNA field the effect transistor spread the experiment of feeling machine research process, body now DNA field effect tube spread feeling tool to have a small physical volume, weight light, be easy to a realization integration to turn of characteristics, at development many gene synchronous examination the aspect have can't act for of advantage.

[Keyword]the DNA living creature spread the feeling machine DNA field an effect tube to spread a feeling machine

第2个回答  2007-05-18
DNA Biosensor

paper on DNA biosensor definition, development, basic structure, separation and the principle of DNA biosensor research progress and development trends, including new chimeric vector agents and materials, transducers for the selection, electrode surface structure optimization, research and application into a supplement to broaden the miniaturization and automation and commercialization of direction to us. And highlights the DNA field effect transistor sensor of the study process, embodies the DNA field effect transistor sensor is small in size, light weight, easy to implement integration features in the development of multiple genes simultaneously testing has irreplaceable advantages.

[Keywords] DNA biosensor DNA field effect transistor sensor本回答被提问者采纳



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