时尚的定义?英文解释 急求

What’s the definition of fashion? What do you think is fashion?
I need the answer of the two questions
这个我搜到了 不合适 别直接拿成文糊弄人行不? 看清楚问题再往上贴

第1个回答  2007-05-14
1The fashion calls popularly, is to one semblance behavior patternadvocation way. Its characteristic is the novelty, mutually follows toimitate and popular short, if has its advocation year after year thepopular colors. The members of different social classes to advocatethe thing the pursue, obtains in one kind of psychological satisfying.The fashionable right and wrong reason spreads the phenomenon with thetransition behavior project or the behavior pattern. Below this kindof behavior pattern has the characteristic: One, does not have theclass nature. In each kind of different social stratum, social classItaly spread. Its initiator usually is the public celebrities, onceopened the atmosphere to become them to seek the status or theself-expression method. The phenomenon which two is which thecivilization opens the society all has. It produces, is popular andthe social civilization has the direct ratio; It spreads the scope,may surmount the country, is widely popular. Three, the duration tosay, the fashionable phenomenon is in between the style and thefashion. Four is the tool which oneself publicizes. Borrows is beingfashionable, proposes something new and different, improves the socialposition, but still was retaining in the original association amolecular status, therefore, it was the self- individual method. Five,the imitation and the suggestibility are intense. If material the andso on fashionable clothing, cosmetics unpopularity, motion the and soon traveling, song unpopularity, expends social convention the and soon the idea, life pursue unpopularity. Six is the fashionable behaviorhas the lyricism, is one kind vents grievances or constrains the moodthe social movement. Fashionably is the fashion popular project says with the fashion mostremarkable difference to the society, not worthy of mentioning,affects very slightly, the fashion is merely popular a Yu socialstratum, the community or some homogeneity community; But isfashionable then is popular to the social various social strata and inthe neterogeny community, fashionable spreads the time to demonstratethe organized characteristic.
2Fashion inside mine concept. Is the feeling which straight strikes. Keen throws oneself seizes the fashion the element.. A section of seats vehicles experience Arise suddenly thefantasy the thought Perhaps your posture. Your look.. The general meeting runs away overflowed his eye. Is (a younggroup of person which the designer. has throws oneself seizes thisaspect inspiration.) Instantaneous beauty. One kind the plot which lets you forever nothave can forget... Equally creates the miracle like the magicteacher! Fashion Is the creation miracle illusion which has not broken... Inside my eye. The fashion is beautiful. Beautiful. I understand for the instantaneous unforgettable momentidle time.... Is one kind of feeling Li. I want to be can send out luminously. Eye one bright... Beautiful and in together Is a commendatory term. One kindthe thing which can sense with the vision.... Simple understanding this thing.... Actually is thefeeling... My this letter feeling




在我眼里面。.时尚 是美丽的。.


第2个回答  2007-05-14
1.The definition of fashion:

Fashion is always changing, slightly elusive, extremely seductive.

It has the power to transform an image and make a social statement.

2.My opinions:
To some, fashion is an art form. To others, it is almost a religion.

But for most people it is a method of utilizing clothing, accessories and hair to show or hide something about yourself.

You can use fashion to express yourself, to serve as an extension of your personality: goth, skater, soccer mom, professional.

Or you can use fashion to disguise your true self:a conservative in vamp clothing, a vamp in conservative clothing.

Fashion statements can be made withclothes, accessories, shoes, hair, makeup, even your cellphone.

Just personal outlook!Only for indication!



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