
What’s yourfavourite sport?My favoutite sport is ping-pong.I like basketball best. What do you wear?I wear ____ ,____ and____ to play basketball. Would you like to learn to ____?Yes,I would. We need some ping-pong balls.Do you have any balls?Do you like this T-shirt or that T-shirt?The basketball is heavy. The ping-pong ball is light.I’mthrowing/catching the basketball. I’m hitting theping-pong ball. Where did you go?What did you do?—How often do you____?—____ times a____. (Once a week; Twice a week.)What do you do before / after ____?What’s your favourite fruit? My favourite fruit is . Sixty minutes make an hour!Riding a bike is exercise.Walking to school is exercise.Running is exercise.Playing ping-pong is exercise How often do you ?_______ timesa . How many minutes do you _____ ____?About ____ minutes. Let's go swimming!Can you swim?What do you wear to swim?Where can you swim?Let’s go to thepark.What does the kite look like?It looks like _________ .Iam going to ____ ____ the grass.I want to ____ _____ at the sky Let’s go to the bathroom to wash our hands.Let’s go to the living room to watch TV.Let’s go to the gymto play ping -pong.Let’s go to the park to fly kite.What will you do tomorrow?Tomorrow I will write a story.Where did Jenny go last summer?What will you doat the beach?Can she fly akite?Can she skip?How far is it? ___kilometres. Howmuch is it ? It is ___ dollars. How many people are there?Ten!Doyou remember this? Yes,it is a . (No, I forget.)Howlong is ?.How’s the weather today?It’s sunny.Rice is my favourite food.What is Danny making? What does his cake look like?How (much many far long old tall often…)___________?

第1个回答  2014-06-23
你最喜欢的运动是什么?我的favoutite的运动是乒乓球。我最喜欢打篮球。你穿什么?我穿____,____ and____打篮球。你想学____吗?是的,我会。我们需要一些乒乓球。你有球吗?你喜欢这件T恤衫还是那件T恤衫?篮球很重。乒乓球很轻。i'mthrowing /捕捉篮球。我打乒乓球球。你去哪儿了?你做了什么?- you____多久?- ____倍a____。(每周一次;一周两次。)____前/后做什么?你最喜欢的水果是什么?我最喜欢的水果是。一小时有六十分钟!骑自行车是一种运动。走路上学是运动。跑步是锻炼。打乒乓球是锻炼你多久?_______次。你需要多少分钟_____ ____?关于____分钟。我们去游泳吧。你会游泳吗?你穿什么去游泳吗?在那里你会游泳吗?让我们去公园。风筝看起来像什么?它看起来像_________。我要____ ____草。我想____ _____在天空,让我们去浴室洗我们的手。我们去起居室看电视。让我们去gymto打乒乓球。让我们去公园放风筝。你明天将要做什么?明天我会写一个故事。珍妮去年夏天去了哪里?你喜欢沙滩?她能飞的风筝吗?她可以跳?有多远?___kilometres。有多少呢?这是___美元。有多少人?十。你还记得这个吗?是的,这是一个。(没有,我忘记了。)是多少?。今天天气怎么样?它是晴朗的。水稻是我最喜欢的食物。什么是丹尼吗?他的蛋糕看起来像什么?如何(多远长老高层经常……)___________?



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