英语翻译 在线等。

1.这条小河蜿蜒入海。(wind its way to)
2.七天后他们才扑灭了这场大火。(put out)
3.天气太恶劣了,於是比赛被推迟到下周。(because of+短语)
4.一段时间过後,交通恢复了正常。(turn to)

第1个回答  2011-06-12
1,The river winds its way to sea.
2,Seven days passed before they put out the fire.
3,Because of the bad weather, the match has been put off to next week.
4,After a while,traffic is flowing normally.
5,The girl who standing at the door is my sister.
6,This is the most interesting book I have read.
7,The film we have watched yesterday is Korean.
8,The person I talked yesterday is my classmate.
第2个回答  2011-06-12
1.The river winds it's way to the sea
2.It was 7 days later that they put out the fire
3.Because of the bad weather,the match will be put off till next week.
4.After a while,the traffic turns to normal.
5.The little girl who is standing in the doorway is my younger sister.
6.This is the most interesting book I have ever read.
7.The movie we watched yesterday is a Korean one.
8.The man who talked to me yesterday is my classmate.
第3个回答  2011-06-16
1.This river winds its way to the sea,
2.They put out the serious fire after seven days.
3.Because of the bad weather,the competition was put off to the next week.
4.The traffic turned to be normal after a long time.
5.The girl who is standing beside the door is my sister.
6.This is the most interesting book that I have read.
7.The movie which we saw yesterday was a Koean one.
8.The person who talked to me yesterday is my classmate.
第4个回答  2011-06-12
1.The stream winds its way to the sea.
2.After 7 days,they finally put out the fire.
3.The match was put off till next week because of the bad weather.
4.After a period of time,the traffic turned to be normal.
5.The girl standing in front of the door is my sister.
6.This book is the best one I've ever read.
7.The movie we watched yesterday was a Koean one.
8.The one talked to me yesterday is my classmate.
第5个回答  2011-06-12
1.This river winds its way to the sea.
2. They didn't put out the fire until seven days later.
3. The match was put off to next week because of hte bad weather.
4. The traffic turned to normal after a time.
5. The little girl who is standing at the gate is my sister.
6. This is the most interesting book that I have ever read.
7. The film that we saw yesterday was a Korean one.
8. The person who talked to me yesterday is my classmate




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