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麻烦你们了,能快点回答么,一会就要交论文了 ,帮帮忙把~~~~~~~~~~

第1个回答  2007-06-02

recently,China has become the top victim of worldwide trade conflict as the oversea trade continues to expend.According to the accounting of WTO,cases of anti-dumping from members against Chinese products takes one-seventh of all since the foundation of WTO in 1995,and China has been the one who suffered most from anti-dumping inquiry for nine-year-long.So,it is the question before us how to speed economy development,reduce trade conflict,decrease and evade anti-dumping accusation.Therefore it is especially essencial to establish a pre-warning system on anti-dumping case.
Firstly,we should clearly acknowledge the conception of anti-dumping and its necessary prerequisition,only by this way,can we know what on earth is going on,and can take care of it with ease. secondly,we should know what we spend time of reaearch on anti-dumping prewarning system for.As china has become the most accused country for anti-dumping,the establishment of anti-dumoping system is of great importance.thirdly,it is essencial to carry out the counter-measurement of anti-dumping prewarning system .With a particular situation ,many countries refuse to recognize china as a market economic country,which grings us many troubles and has become the problem to solve first of all during the anti-dumping case.Hereby,we should establish a anti-dumping prewarning system depending more on our explicit national situation than refering and copying other countries only.
So,we now face a austere situation on anti-dumping accusion from other countries,and it is vital to establish a anti-dumping prewarning system .


第2个回答  2007-05-30
recently,China has become the top victim of worldwide trade conflict as the oversea trade continues to expend.According to the accounting of WTO,cases of anti-dumping from members against Chinese products takes one-seventh of all since the foundation of WTO in 1995,and China has been the one who suffered most from anti-dumping inquiry for nine-year-long.So,it is the question before us how to speed economy development,reduce trade conflict,decrease and evade anti-dumping accusation.Therefore it is especially essencial to establish a pre-warning system on anti-dumping case.
Firstly,we should clearly acknowledge the conception of anti-dumping and its necessary prerequisition,only by this way,can we know what on earth is going on,and can take care of it with ease. secondly,we should know what we spend time of reaearch on anti-dumping prewarning system for.As china has become the most accused country for anti-dumping,the establishment of anti-dumoping system is of great importance.thirdly,it is essencial to carry out the counter-measurement of anti-dumping prewarning system .With a particular situation ,many countries refuse to recognize china as a market economic country,which grings us many troubles and has become the problem to solve first of all during the anti-dumping case.Hereby,we should establish a anti-dumping prewarning system depending more on our explicit national situation than refering and copying other countries only.
So,we now face a austere situation on anti-dumping accusion from other countries,and it is vital to establish a anti-dumping prewarning system .本回答被网友采纳



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